직종 | 기타 | 경력유무 | |
이름 | 연락처 | ||
이메일 | 주소 | ||
학력 | 경력(년) | ||
현재비자 | 희망연봉 | ||
내용 | 안녕하세요, Asia-Pacific 지역에서 근무를 희망하고 있는 33세 남자입니다. 늘쌍 해외근무를 장기적으로 희망하고 있는지라, 우연찮게 이 곳을 알게 되어 많은 정보를 얻어가고 있습니다. 사실, 수학 및 물리과목에 상당한 열정이 있었기에, 학부 전공이 물리였습니다만, 졸업 이전 사회 첫 발을 은행에서 시작함에 따라, 국내 MBA 석사과정을 마치고 현재 은행 경력 만 6년 가까이 되고 있습니다. 무엇보다도 싱가포르의 교육 및 문화 환경이 저에게는 매력적이기에, 혹시 저의 아래 경력 내용 보시고 관심을 갖아주시기를 간절히 바라오며, 많은 조언 또한 부탁드리겠습니다. 좋은 기회를 주시오면 저의 성실성을 보여드리고 싶습니다. 궁금하신 내용이 있으시면 다음 연락처로 언제든지 연락주시기 바라겠습니다. E-mail : sebastian_42@hotmail.com Mobile : 82-18-203-4488 [경력사항 - WORK EXPERIENCED] *** Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation, Seoul, Korea (August 2005 ~ Present) / Assistant Relationship Manager - Prepare succinct and well presented credit memos that identify all the key risks associated with a proposal and how these are mitigated, highlighting the revenue and relationship justification for the proposal - Act as the focal point of contact and co-ordinate the sales and delivery of Group products in managing and providing added value to the relationship between prospective or existing customer ,and HSBC *** China Construction Bank, Seoul Branch (State-Owned Bank) International Financial Credit Department (September 2003 ~ August 2005) as a starting member – Assistant Manager - Prepare credit proposal from credit assessment to approval and review for Credit Committee and ALCO (Assets & Liabilities Committee Meeting), analyzing historical and projected financial statements, and prepare credit reviews, assign risk status, and recommend appropriate credit limits commensurate with sales potential and credit worthiness of customers - Conduct calls on clients and prospect in the assigned geographic and target market to sell bank products and services and to maintain current client relationships - Develop specific action plans and strategies for short/long term business collaboration opportunities with strategic partners ***Citibank N.A Seoul, Korea (November 2001~March 2003) - Conducted client credit evaluations and feasibility analyses for the underwriting of corporate credit cards, lease, and installment financing - Respond to customer and agent inquires or refers them to the appropriated party and resolves customer questions, complaints and requests - Maintained records control, filing, office supply purchasing and equipment maintenance 여기까지 읽어주셔서 대단히 감사드립니다. |
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