한국촌 상단 로고

싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



채용완료 프리랜서 타입 재택근무 영어 응대가능자 구인( Native Korean )

  • jjw (jjw7227)
    1. 1,611
    2. 2
    3. 0
    4. 2008-02-25 17:11
직종 기타 경력유무
회사명 연락처
이메일 주소
연봉 학력
경력(년) 첨부파일
내용 안녕하세요, 위 제목하여 사람을 구합니다. 한국인으로서 영어에 어느 정도 능통한 분이면 됩니다. 재택근무 가능하며, 가능한 시간에만 일할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다. 관심있으신 분은 아래 이메일 주소로 영어로 문의하시면 좀 더 자세한 정보 및 급여등에 대해 답변 드리겠습니다. ( ) ------------ This is a call center providing service by phone or e mail to customers all over the world. Since Staffs in the call center only speak English, whenever they get calls from Korean customers, they will call the translator to have a 3 party phone meeting. So the translator does not need to go the call center. All he or she needs to do is pick up the phone when he or she is free and interpret for the staff. Or some time they receive e-mails in Korean, In this case, you just translate it into English and sent it back to them in 24 hours. Most calls and e mail contact are like:       delivery of flowers, booking of restaurant, hotel reservation, limousine service, etc… So we need a Native Korean who can speak and write in  English and who is just good enough for daily conversation, As those customers are all over the world, they might call in anytime of the day, but he or she dosen’t need to stand by for so long. Just reply the phone when he or she is available. That is why we need many of these staffs to make a round the clock service circle. Please ask the applicants to e mail me in English. And I will give them more information.


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