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주택 임대차 계약서
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (root)
- 2020-03-26
Property : _________________________________________
Owner : _________________________________________
Tenant : _________________________________________
An Agreement made on the _____________ day of __________________________ Two Thousand (200___) between
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
(hereinafter called "the Landlord") of one part and
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
(hereinafter called "the Tenant") of the other part.
The Landlord agrees to let and the Tenant agrees to take the premises situate and known as ___________________________________________________________________________ with furniture, fixtures and fittings therein belonging to the Landlord as specified in the schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter called ?the said premises?) to hold unto the Tenant from the ___________________________ for a period of _____________ months / years at the combined monthly rental of Singapore Dollars ___________________________________________________________________________________ only (S$ ), whereof the sum of Singapore Dollars ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ only (S$ ) shall be the rent of the said premises and Singapore Dollars _____________________________________________________ _________________________________ only (S$ ) shall be the rent for the said furniture, fixtures and fittings payable in advance on the ___________ day of each calendar month.
(1) Rent To pay the rent unto the Landlord monthly in advance within the first seven days of each month until the expiration of the term hereby created. In the event that the tenancy commences on a date later that the first day of a calendar month, the first monthly payment of the said rent shall be on the date on commencement with the appropriate proportion of rent being calculated from the date of commencement until the last day of the month. (2) Deposit To pay a deposit of Singapore Dollars ________________________________________________________ __________________________________ only (S$ ) equivalent to _________ month(s) rental unto the Landlord on or before the execution of the presents as security for the due observation and performance by the Tenant of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The said sum shall be maintained at this figure during the term hereby created and shall not without the consent in writing of the Landlord be deemed to be treated as payment of rent. Subject as aforesaid the said sum shall be returned to the Tenant after the expiry of the term hereby created and the said Premises surrendered to the Landlord in good and Tenantable condition. (3) Charges for Water, Electricity, other Services To open an account with Power Supply Pte Ltd and the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore and to pay and discharge all charges levied by the Power Supply Pte Ltd and the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore or other competent authority for water, gas, sanitation, electricity and the collection of refuse in respect of the said Premises and for the use of the telephone and other amenities supplied to the said Premises during the term hereby created.
(4) Repair of the said Premises To keep the interior of the said Premises including the furniture, fixtures and fittings therein, the windows, glass shutters, locks, fastenings, and the doors thereof in good and substantial repair and condition and to deliver up the said Premises to the Landlord at the expiration of the term hereby created (damage by fair wear and tear excepted).
(5) Landlord?s notice relating to Repair With reference to clause (4) above, if the Tenant defaults in complying with any written notice that may be given by the Landlord requiring any breach of any of the obligations on the part of the Tenant under clause 4 to be made good within 30 days, it shall be lawful for the Landlord (but without prejudice to the right of re-entry hereinafter contained) to enter the said Premises and to execute the repairs at the costs and expenses of the Tenant.
(6) Taps, baths, Basins, others To keep all taps, baths, wash-basins, water closets, sinks cisterns, wash-basins, domestic water heaters and waste and internal pipes in or connected with the said Premises clean and unclogged and in good and Tenantable condition.
(7) Fixtures and Fittings Not to make or permit to be made any structural alterations to the said Premises without the written consent of the Landlord which shall not be unreasonably withheld in the case of respectable Tenant.
(8) Landlord?s right to inspect To permit the Landlord with or without workmen at all reasonable times by prior appointment and at the Tenant convenience enter the said Premises in order to inspect the state of repair and decoration thereof and generally to carry out therein any repairs additions alterations or other works which may appear to the Landlord to be necessary or desirable to the said Premises.
(9) Not to use for unlawful purposes Not to use or suffer or permit the said Premises to be used for any unlawful or immoral purpose otherwise than for Residential purpose.
(10) Nuisance Not to permit or suffer anything to be done in the said Premises that may be offensive or a nuisance to the Landlord or to any of the occupiers of the adjacent Premises or which may in any way annoy or interfere with the rights and privileges of the Landlord or the occupiers of the adjacent Premises.
(11) No dangerous materials or explosives Not to keep or permit to be kept in the said Premises or any part thereof any materials of an explosive or dangerous nature, the keeping of materials which may contravene any local statue regulation or bye-law or in respect of which an increased rate of insurance may be required.
(12) Assignment and subletting Not to assign sublet license or part with the actual or legal possession or the use of the said Premises or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the Landlord.
(13) Signs Not to cause or to allow any sign of advertisement board or the like to be fixed to the said Premises.
(14) Stamps fees To pay the stamp fees incurred in the stamping of this agreement.
(15) Legal fees To pay all legal costs and expenses which may be incurred by the Landlord in enforcing the Landlord?s rights or in connection with or arising out of any breaches of the Tenant's covenants in this Agreement.
(16) Landlord?s right to view To permit intending purchasers or persons with authority of the Landlord or his agents at reasonable times during the day and by prior appointment to view the said Premises for the purpose of selling the said Premises. However, the sale shall be subject to the Tenancy herein.
(1) Taxes To pay all property tax levied on the said Premises when due including any surcharge payable thereon.
(2) Insurance To insure the said Premises against loss or damage by fire and to pay all premium necessary punctually.
(3) Maintenance To repair and maintain the roof and the main walls structure of the said Premises and sewerage pipes in good and Tenantable repair and condition throughout the term hereby created. (4) Interruption That the Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and observing and performing the several covenants and stipulations on the Tenant's part herein contained shall peacefully hold and enjoy the said Premises during the term without any interruption by the Landlord or any person rightfully claiming under or in the trust or for the Landlord.
(1) Determination of tenancy by Landlord If the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof shall remain unpaid for fourteen (14) days after becoming payable (whether formally demanded or not) or if there shall be a breach of any of the foregoing covenants on the part of the Tenant herein contained the Landlord may re-enter the said Premises and immediately thereupon this lease shall absolutely determine but without prejudice to the right of action of the Landlord against the Tenant in respect of any arrears of the rent or any antecedent breach of this Agreement.
(2) Suspension of Rent If the said Premises or any part thereof shall at any one time during the tenancy be destroyed or damaged by fire so as to become unfit for use, the Tenant shall be at liberty by notice in writing to the Landlord determine the tenancy hereby created and upon the Landlord?s receipt of such notice shall absolutely cease and determine but without prejudice to any right of action of the Landlord in respect of any arrears of the rent or antecedent breach of this Agreement.
(3) Notice Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently served on the Tenant if sent by registered post or by hand to the Tenant at the said Premises. Any notice to the Landlord shall be sufficiently served if delivered personally to the Landlord or sent by registered post to the Landlord.
(4) During the 8 weeks immediately preceding the termination of the Tenancy to permit persons with written authority from the Landlord?s agent and the Landlord?s prospective clients at reasonable times of the day and at the Tenant?s convenience to view the said Premises for the purpose of letting or selling of the same.
SIGNED BY THE ABOVE MENTIONED LANDLORD : ...........................?????.........................
IN THE PRESENCE OF : ????????........................................
SIGNED BY THE ABOVE MENTIONED TENANT : ...............................?????.....................
IN THE PRESENCE OF : ................................................?????....
Page 2/6 FRNFROP/FRM/AGENCY/T-APT.L 16/02/00.doc
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