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  • 부동산
  • HDB 임대차 계약서(일부 임대차 시)

페이지 정보

  • 한국촌 (root)
    1. 13,834
    2. 1
    3. 0
    4. 2020-03-26




This AGREEMENT is made on the _____________ day of _________________________ 200_____ between __________________________________________________________________________________________

(herein after called 'THE LANDLORD' which expression where the context so admits shall include all persons having title under the LANDLORD) of the part AND ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ (hereinafter called 'THE TENANT') of the other part, NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED AS FOLLOWS :


1.    The LANDLORD agrees to let and the TENANT agrees to take ____________ ( ) room(s) of the premises known as ____________________________________________________________ together with the furniture, fixtures and fittings (a list of which is attached herewith and signed by the parties hereto) belonging to the LANDLORD TO HOLD unto the TENANT from ________________ 200____ to ________________________ 200____ for a term of __________ months / __________ year(s) at a monthly rental of Singapore Dollars __________________________________________ ________________________________________ (S$ ) payable in advance on or before the _______ day of each calendar month.


2.    The tenant is allowed a licence to use or utilise the hall and kitchen in the said premise but will have to ensure that it is kept tidy and will be responsible for any damage therein (fair wear and tear excepted).


3.    THE TENANT HEREBY agrees with the LANDLORD as follows :

a.    To pay a deposit equal to ___________ month?s rent to the LANDLORD on the signing of this Agreement as security against breach of any of the covenants herein contained, and which sum shall be repayable to the TENANT on the expiry or lawful termination of this Tenancy subject to an appropriate deduction as damages in respect of any such breach. The deposit herein paid shall not be utilised by the Tenant to offset against rent.

b.    To pay the said rent at the times and in the manner aforesaid without any deduction whatsoever.

c.    To pay all charges for water, electricity and gas supplied to the said premises and hire charges for Power Supply Pte Ltd appliances.

d.    To pay all charges (including installation subscription, trunk calls) for the telephone installed at the premises to the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore.

e.    To use the said premises as a private residence only and not to use the said premises for any immoral or illegal purpose.

f.    Not to assign, sub-let or part with the possession of the said premises without the written consent of the LANDLORD and such consent however not to be unreasonable withheld in the case of a respectable or reputable person or corporation.

g.    Not to use the said premises for the storage of any goods or merchandise, except for residential purposes.

h.    Not to do or suffer to be done on the said premises anything which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to any person for the time being owning or occupying any of the premises or land adjacent to or in the neighbourhood of the said premises.

i.    At the determination of Tenancy to deliver to the LANDLORD the said premises in tenantable repair and condition (fair wear and tear, damage by fire, storm tempest, Act of God, strike, riot, civil commotion excepted).

j.    During the ONE (1) month preceding the expiration /termination of the Tenancy, the TENANT shall allow the LANDLORD or his authorised agent/agents with prospective tenants to view the said premises with prior appointment.

k.    To services any and all electrical appliances including air-conditioners, refrigerator, cooler, washing machine in the premises, repairs and breakdowns excepted.

l.    To pay or indemnify the LANDLORD or his agents against the cost of/and stamping of the Agreement in duplicate.


4.    THE LANDLORD hereby agrees with the TENANT as follows :

a.    To deliver to the Tenant the said premises and all furniture, fixtures and fittings in good order and condition at the commencement of the Tenancy.

b.    To pay all property tax, rates and assessment in respect of the said premises.

c.    That the TENANT paying the rent hereby reserved and preforming/observing the several covenants on his part and conditions hereinbefore contained and on the TENANT'S part to be observed and performed shall peaceably hold and enjoy the said premises during the Tenancy hereby created without any interruption by the LANDLORD or any person rightfully claiming under or in trust for the LANDLORD.

d.    To keep the roof, ceiling, main structure, walls, floors, wiring and pipes of the said premises in good and tenantable repair and condition.

e.    To allow the Tenant to use the hall and kitchen inclusive of all equipment and utensils therein.


5.    PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is expressly agreed as follows :

a.    If the rent hereinbefore reserved or any part thereof shall remain unpaid for FOURTEEN (14) days after becoming due or if the TENANT shall fail to observe or perform and condition or stipulation herein contained and on the TENANT's part to be observed and performed then and in any such case this Agreement shall absolutely determine and it shall be lawful for the LANDLORD immediately to re-enter upon the said premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole but without prejudice to the right of action of the LANDLORD in respect of any antecedent breach of this Agreement by the TENANT.

b.    In case the said premises or any part thereof shall at any time during the Tenancy be destroyed or damaged by fire, lighting, earthquake, explosion, civil disturbance, riot, act of war or other similar cause so as to be unfit for occupation and use, then and in every such case, the rent hereby reserved or a just and fair proportion thereof according to the nature and extent of the damages sustained shall be suspended and cease to be payable until the said premises shall again be fit for occupation and use.

c.    In case of the said premises is destroyed or damaged in Clause 4(b) mentioned above, the LANDLORD shall not withstanding anything to the contrary, be at liberty by notice in writing to determine the Tenancy hereby created shall absolutely cease and determine but without prejudice to any right of action of the LANDLORD in respect of any antecedent breach of this Agreement by the Tenant.

d.    That the LANDLORD shall at the written request of the TENANT made not less than TWO (2) months before the expiration of the terms hereby created and if there shall not at the time of such request by any existing breach or non-observance of any of the obligation on the part of the TENANT herein contained grant to the TENANT a Tenancy Agreement of the said premises for a further term of one (1) year from the expiration of the term SUBJECT to the right of the equivalent to the market value.

e.    Any Notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and any Notice to the Tenant shall be sufficiently served if left addressed to the Tenant on the said premises or sent by registered post to the Tenant's last known address in Singapore and any Notice to the Landlord shall be sufficiently served if sent to the Landlord by registered post or left at the Landlord's last known address.

f.    The Landlord is hereby reminded that HDB does not allow the subletting of the WHOLE HDB flat without HDB approval. The Landlord hereby warrants and certifies that he is physically staying in the abovementioned property and shall continue to stay in the abovementioned property while renting out to the Tenant.

g.    The Tenant hereby acknowledges that the Landlord is renting out the Room only and understands that the Landlord will continue to stay in the above property while renting out the Room. The Tenant shall not raise any objection whatsoever regarding this matter.

h.    If for whatever reason the HDB disapproves of this tenancy then this agreement shall terminate upon receipt of the HDB's notice and subject to Clause 3(a) the Deposit or balance thereof shall be refunded upon the tenant vacating the said premises.

 Both parties can terminate the Tenancy hereby created upon giving the other 1 months'

notice in writing or by payment of 1 months' rent in lieu of such notice, provided that Twelve

(12) calendar months shall have lapsed from the date of commencement.





1.                             NRIC :_________________________________

2.                             NRIC :_________________________________

3.                             NRIC :_________________________________

4.                             NRIC :_________________________________

5.                             NRIC :_________________________________

6.                             NRIC :_________________________________




IN WITNESS the parties have hereto set their hands the day month and year first abovewritten.




Confirmed and Accepted by







Landlord:                        Landlord:

NRIC:                            NRIC:

Dated:                            Dated:







Tenant:                            Tenant:

NRIC:                            NRIC:

Dated:                            Dated:













RENTAL AGREEMENT - HDB (part unit)    Page 4/4









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