- woori bank (wooribank)
- 2023-05-29 10:17

직종 | 재무/회계 | 경력유무 | 경력 |
회사명 | 우리은행 | 연락처 | +65 6422 2013 |
이메일 | dearjaehoon@wooribank.sg | 주소 | 10 Marina Boulevard #13-05, MBFC Tower 2, Singapore 018983 |
연봉 | 추후협의 | 학력 | 대졸이상 |
경력(년) | 5년이상 | 첨부파일 | |
내용 | 우리은행 싱가폴지점에서 아래와 같이 자금팀장(Head Of Treasury)을 채용합니다.
1. 자격요건 ○ 한국어 및 영어 의사소통 및 서류작성 가능 ○ 싱가폴 소재 은행 및 금융기관 자금관련(Treasury)업무 경력 소지자 (아래 담당업무 참조) : 해당 포지션 싱가폴금융당국(MAS) 승인 필수 포지션임 ○ 싱가포르 시민권자/영주권자(PR)/기타 비자 취득에 결격이 없는 자 ○ 정규 대학 졸업 이상 학력 소지자
2. 담당업무 (Job Description) ○ Responsible for operations and profitability of Treasury Department, adhere to statutory reserve parameters in accordance to Bank's policy ○ Manage foreign currency exposure and foreign currency payments ○ Take charge of funding requirement through inter/intra bank Money Market operations and update the Senior Management on the cost of funds available in the market ○ Co-ordinate with relevant Business Departments to work out liquidity planning, cash flow projection and recommend strategies to fund any shortfalls. Ensure smooth liquidity management and liaise closely with Head Office ○ Communicate with internal stakeholders before determining net funding ○ Cover or hedge foreign exchange in interbank market, monitor and track volume and exposure in remittance and loan transactions ○ Ensure smooth function of dealing room operations and strict compliance of various limited assigned for dealing room operations ○ Review all regulatory limits and ensure policy framework intact ○ Review and revise dealing room guidelines and framework with appropriate and relevant inputs and required changes ○ Update policies and manuals on regulatory changes and directives from Head Office ○ Analyze and report the Liquidity Planning schedule to Senior Management ○ Discuss and report market developments and dealing room situations to Senior Management on periodic basis ○ Manage and build banking relationships with various counter parties and banking partners to ensure effective utilization of cash and financial service facilities ○ Observe and follow the code of ethics/conduct and ensure compliance of regulatory requirements in the FX/MM/investment operation of the bank
3. 급여수준 ○ 직무경력 감안 개별 협의 4. 선발방법 ○ 서류심사 및 개별 면접
5. 제출서류 ○ 이력서(양식 무관) : 경력사항, 연락처, 비자Type, 희망급여 수준 포함 ○ 최종학교 졸업증명서, 경력/자격증명서 등 (채용 시 제출) ○ 서류 제출 방법 : 이메일 송부 (dearjaehoon@wooribank.sg)
6. 문의사항 및 기타 ○ 서류 합격자분들에게 개별로 면접 일정을 안내해드립니다. ○ 기타 문의사항은 이재훈 차장(+65 6422 2013, dearjaehoon@wooribank.sg)에게 문의 주시기 바랍니다. |
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