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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



채용완료 General Admin Assistant

  • 싱가포르무역관 (hrko7200)
    1. 5,485
    2. 0
    3. 0
    4. 2023-01-20 12:43
직종 인사/총무 경력유무 경력
회사명 WEMIX 연락처 64267211
이메일 주소
연봉 협의 학력 Diploma
경력(년) 1년 이상 선호 첨부파일

안녕하세요KOTRA 싱가포르무역관 K-Move팀에서 지원하고있는 WEMIX에서 아래 링크와 같이 구인하고 있습니다.

더 자세한 직무사항 파악과 지원에 관심 있으신 분들은 하단 링크 참고해 주시기 바랍니다(이메일 지원불가) 

WEMIX-General Admin Assistant : Kotra Singapore | Job Opportunity (

[About Us]

WEMIX PTE. LTD. is a subsidiary and flagship blockchain gaming services arm of WEMADE, operating a self-developed Blockchain Global Gaming Platform, WEMIX.

Wemade (KOSDAQ 112040) is a well-established gaming company with a global presence and popular game titles (IPs) including ChuanQi (Legend of Mir) Series.

WEMIX is a platform for gaming dApps providing users with wallets and marketplaces for digital assets (fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens).

WEMIX Token is the Utility token & Key currency of WEMIX platform, listed on more than 12 global exchanges including Bithumb, Upbit and OKEX. Using native platform token as a means of exchange will connect users from all over the world opening up one truly global marketplace and enabling borderless P2P trades.

MIR4 is the world's first blockchain P2E game from the IP of commercially successful online games, with more than 200 servers and over one million concurrent users.

KLEVA Protocol is the first DeFi protocol in Klaytn to specialize in Leveraged Yield Farming. Utilising all KCT Tokens in Lending, Leveraged Yield Farming, and Staking, Kleva gathered TVL of $440M and stands firm as the 2nd biggest DeFi Protocol in Klaytn Ecosystem.

WEMIX Platform Ecosystem currently comprises of WEMIX Staking, Order Book DEX and Automated Marker Maker DEX. WEMIX native DeFi services allow the holders of WEMIX and Game Tokens utilise the digital assets through WEMIX Wallet application.


WEMIX Official Website:

WEMIX Wallet:

Kleva Official Website:

[Job Summary]

  • Implement all general office administration functions and ensure the smooth running of the office
  • Maintain the company premises (office lease, expatriate housing) and manage its contract
  • Maintain complete stock of all office supplies including pantry food and accuracy of inventory
  • Purchase and manage company IT assets (computer, printer and etc) and support IT related works such as maintenance of employees' workstations 
  • Assist in planning and running of company meetings & internal/external events when necessary
  • Assist in travel management for HQ and Singapore office employees
  • Other ad hoc duties assigned by the Management

  • [Qualifications]

    • Minimum Diploma Degree
    • at least 1+ year of working experience in office administrative/ clerical work
    • Basic skill set in MS Word, Excel, PPT, Google Workspace, etc.
    • A strong positive can-do attitude and the ability to do multitasking
    • Fluency in English and Korean in order to communatie efficiently with native Korean HQ

  • [Other Information]

  • *Working hours : 0930~1830 (Lunch break 1230~1330), Mon-Fri

    *Provides group insurance (outpatient, inpatient, dental, etc.), Annual Leave, Special office holiday, Congratulatory & Condolence benefits (Leave & allowance for personal/family events), Lunch meal subsidy, etc.


    *We regret to inform you that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행  채용과정당사자간 합의  계약 사항에 대해서는 KOTRA 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.  


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


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