- Contact Korea (sgsgsgsgsg)
- 2012-01-03 17:46
직종 | 기타 | 경력유무 | |
회사명 | 연락처 | ||
이메일 | 주소 | ||
연봉 | 학력 | ||
경력(년) | 첨부파일 | ||
내용 | 안녕하십니까 KOTRA (대한무역투자 진흥공사) 싱가포르 KBC입니다. 지식기반 경제로의 급속한 이행과 더불어 지식, 기술, 인재 등 소프트 파워(Soft Power)의 중요성이 강조 됨에 따라, 우리 정부는 글로벌 고급인력 유치를 종합적으로 지원하기 위하여 2008년부터 KOTRA 내에 Contact KOREA(글로벌 전문인력 지원센터)를 설치, 운영함으로써, 한국기업의 채용수요가 있을 시 채용과 관련된 절차를 지원해 드립니다. “롯데제과 싱가포르 지점”에서 유능하고 책임감 있는 직원을 아래와 같이 모집합니다. <Job Opening No.1> 1. 직책: EXPORT SALES & MARKETING EXECUTIVE 2. 담당 업무 - Support the Sales & Marketing Manager in the development & execution of sales & marketing strategies for Export markets. - Ensuring that all sales orders from export markets are met promptly and proactively source for expansion of sales in Export markets. - Work with overseas distributors to ensure good facings, planogramming stocks merchandising, and minimal OOS are achieved at store level in the export markets. - Propose and execute marketing activities to drive sales in export markets. - Assist the manager in ensuring smooth & efficient sales operation workflows for export markets - Any other duties as assigned by the Manager. 3. 응시 자격 - Min. diploma with at least 3 years of sales and distributor experience in S.E.A Region. FMCG. - Experience in confectionery is added advantage. - Computer literate. - All nationality with relevant experience 4. 급 여: Negotiable <Job Opening No.2> 1. 직책: DOMESTIC SALES & MARKETING EXECUTIVE 2. 담당 업무 - Support Sales & Marketing Manager in execution of sales & marketing strategies for Singapore markets. - Key Account management: 7-11,Cheers,SPC, Caltex, Watson & Guardian Modern Trade - Ensuring excellent distribution, visibility & minimise OOS of our products in the stores - Propose, execute & evaluate monthly promotion activities - Assist the manager in ensuring smooth & efficient sales operation workflows for Singapore market - Building rapport with the area manager & Store Manager. - Managing AR - Any other duties as assigned by the Manager and management. 3. 응시 자격 - Min. diploma with at least 3 years of sales and distributor experience in domestic FMCG.. - Experience in confectionery shall be an advantage. - Possessing own transport and class 3 driving license. - Computer literate. - All nationality with relevant experience 4. 급 여: Negotiable <Job Opening No.3> 1. 직책: MERCHANDISERS 2. 담당 업무 - Provide operational service excellency to assign area - Day-to-day sales order recommendation at store level, attend to customers (store operators) feedback & complains. - Ensuring full product distribution & high branding visibility in the stores - Assist in the implementation of promotional activities & channel activation programs to increase awareness, sales volume & revenue. - Visit outlet customers on a consistent / regular basis to build rapport and defend against competitors - Foster close working relationships with outlet customers to accelerate mutual growth. - Achieve monthly sales target set by Management - Any other duties as assigned by the Executives and Assit. Sales Manager 3. 응시 자격 - Min. ‘o’ level with at least 2-3 years of FMCG merchandising experience in domestic market. - Possessing own transport and - All nationality with relevant experience 4. 급 여: Negotiable * 공통사항* 1. 제출 서류 - Update CVs(Korean & English), Photographs - Photographs - Current salary and Expected salary 2. 응시 기간 : 2012. 01. 03 - 3. 제출방법: 이메일 - 담당자 (KOTRA, Contact Korea) : kotra.sunny@gmail.com kortrade@singnet.com wangling@kotra.or.kr 4. 합격자통보: 서류전형 합격자에 한해 면접일자 개별통보 예정. 5. 기타 - 기타 궁금한 사항은 위의 이메일로 문의해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. |
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