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[참고] 클라이밍 분류
페이지 정보
- kerz (sowdpp)
- 2014-10-09
볼더링: 바위나 작은 노두를 암벽화와 쵸크백을 가지고 오르는 행위이다. 등반 시 안전확보용 줄을 사용하지 않기 때문에 부상을 막기 위하여 아래에 크래시 패드를 둔다.
빌더링: 건물의 외골격을 오르는 행위이다. 대체로 안전장비를 이용하지 않는다.
캐니어닝: 스포츠 또는 레크리에이션 목적으로 협곡을 따라 등반을 하는 행위를 말한다.
빙벽 등반: 특별한 장비를 이용하여 얼음이나 단단한 설사면을 오르는 행위이다. 대체로 아이스 바일과 크램폰을 이용한다. 등반자의 안전을 확보하는 기술은 암벽등반과 유사하나, 암벽등반과 달리 아이스 피톤, 아이스 스크류와 같은 얼음과 눈에 적합한 안전 장비를 이용한다.
등산: 스포츠 또는 레크리에이션 목적으로 산을 오르는 행위이다. 이는 대개 암벽 등반과 빙벽 등반을 포함하고 있다.
암벽등반: 암벽을 오르는 행위이다. 대개 암벽화와 쵸크백을 사용한다. 안전장비로 로프와 볼트, 너트, 캐밍 장비가 사용된다.
스포츠 클라이밍: 스포츠 클라이밍은 암벽등반의 일종이다. 볼트와 같이 바위에 영구적으로 고정된 확보물을 이용한다.(전통 등반과 반대되는 개념이다.)
전통 등반: 스포츠 클라이밍과 반대되는 개념으로 전통 등반에서는 등반 도중 너트와 캐밍 장비와 같은 제거하기 쉬운 확보물을 직접 설치한다.
로프 액세스: 산업 활동에서 주로 행해진다. 노동자가 일반적으로 도달하기 힘든 곳을 로프를 이용하여 현수하강을 통해 도달하는 방법을 말한다.
줄타기: 짧고, 굵은 로프를 빠른 시간 내에 오르는 행위이다.
나무 타기: 로프와 다른 안전 장비를 이용하여 레크리에이션 목적으로 나무를 오르는 행위를 말한다.
Bouldering: Ascending boulders or small outcrops, often with climbing shoes and a chalk bag or bucket. Usually, instead of using a safety rope from above, injury is avoided using a crash pad and a human spotter (to direct a falling climber on to the pad. They can also give beta, or advice)
Buildering: Ascending the exterior skeletons of buildings, typically without protective equipment.
Canyoning: Climbing along canyons for sport or recreation.
Chalk climbing: Ascending chalk cliffs uses some of the same techniques as ice climbing [1].
Competition Climbing: A formal, competitive sport of recent origins, normally practiced on artificial walls that resemble natural rock formations. The International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) is the official organization governing competition climbing worldwide and is recognized by the IOC and GAISF and is a member of the International World Games Association (IWGA). Competition Climbing has three major
disciplines: Lead, Bouldering and Speed.
Ice climbing: Ascending ice or hard snow formations using special equipment, usually ice axes and crampons. Techniques of protecting the climber are similar to those of rock climbing, with protective devices (such as ice screws and snow wedges) adapted to frozen conditions.
Indoor climbing: Top roping, lead climbing, and bouldering artificial walls with bolted holds in a climbing gym.
Mountaineering: Ascending mountains for sport or recreation. It often involves rock and/or ice climbing.
Net climbing: Climbing net structures. The climbing structures consist of multiple interconnected steel reinforced ropes attached to the ground and steel poles. Climbing nets are usually installed on playgrounds to assist children in developing their balancing and climbing skills.
Pole climbing (gymnastic): Climbing poles and masts without equipment.
Lumberjack tree-trimming and competitive tree-trunk or pole climbing for speed using spikes and belts.
Rock climbing: Ascending rock formations, often using climbing shoes and a chalk bag. Equipment such as ropes, bolts, nuts, hexes and camming devices are normally employed, either as a safeguard or for artificial aid.
Rope access: Industrial climbing, usually abseiling, as an alternative to scaffolding for short works on exposed structures.
Rope climbing: Climbing a short, thick rope for speed. Not to be confused with roped climbing, as in rock or ice climbing.
Scrambling which includes easy rock climbing, and is considered part of hillwalking.
Sport climbing is a form of rock climbing that relies on permanent anchors fixed to the rock, and possibly bolts, for protection, (in contrast with traditional climbing, where the rock is typically devoid of fixed anchors and bolts, and where climbers must place removable protection as they climb).
Top roping: Ascending a rock climbing route protected by a rope anchored at the top and protected by a belayer below
Traditional climbing (more casually known as Trad climbing) is a form of climbing without fixed anchors and bolts. Climbers place removable protection such as camming devices, nuts, and other passive and active protection that holds the rope to the rock (via the use of carabiners and webbing/slings) in the event of a fall and/or when weighted by a climber.
Free solo climbing: Climbing without ropes or protection.
Tree climbing: Recreationally ascending trees using ropes and other protective equipment.
A tower climber is a professional who climbs broadcasting or telecommunication towers or masts for maintenance or repair.
Rock, ice and tree climbing all usually use ropes for safety or aid. Pole climbing and rope climbing were among the first exercises to be included in the origins of modern gymnastics in the late 18th century and early 19th century.
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climbing
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