- 958
- 기타
- 싱가폴 고객 만족도 하락
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2,538
- 0
- 0
- 2009-04-20
카테고리 2007년 2008년 하락폭
Tourism, Hotel and Acommodation Service 71.0 68.6 2.4
Food and Beverage 67.7 65.4 2.3
Finance and Insurance 68.4 67.0 1.4
Retail 68.5 68.1 0.4
Transport and Logistics 69.1 68.7 0.4
Information Communication 67.4 67.2 0.2
Education 70.0 69.8 0.2
Health Care 67.7 67.6 0.1
Customer Satisfaction
Perceived Overall Quality (0.61% 감소)
Customer Expectation (0.78% 감소)
Perceived Value (0.96% 감소)
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