- 766
- 기타
멜라민 함유 식품 정보(싱가폴)
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2008-10-10
멜라민 함유 식품 리스트 : http://www.ava.gov.sg/NR/rdonlyres/A89B17A1-4E63-4E90-8D59-8F5046335645/22228/Pressrelease_Updatesonmelamine_9Oct08website1.pdf
(Total 13품목)
1. Cadbury Choclairs – Blueberry Flavour (contains milk as an ingredient)
2. Cadbury Choclairs – Coffee Flavour (contains milk as an ingredient)
3. Panda Dairy Whole Milk Powder
4. Silang - House of Steamed Potato - Potato & Tomato Cracker (contains whole milk powder as an ingredient)
5. New Sshmallows Mallow Dippers-Strawberry Flavour (The dip contains milk solids as an ingredient.)
6. Dutch Lady Banana Flavoured Milk
7. Dutch Lady Honeydew Flavoured Milk
8. Silang - House of Steamed Potato - Potato Cracker (contains whole milk powder as an ingredient)
9. 徐福记 Puffed Rice Rolls - Butter Corn Flavour (contains whole milk powder as an ingredient)
10. 徐福记 Puffed Rice Rolls - Cheese Flavour (contains whole milk powder as an ingredient)
11. Yi Li Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection
12. Dutch Lady Strawberry Flavoured Milk
13. White Rabbit Creamy Candy (contains milk as an ingredient)
* 아래의 싱가폴 식약청 홈페이지에서 멜라민 및 기타 식품 관련 내용들을 실시간으로 확인 하실수 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
싱가폴 식약청 : http://www.ava.gov.sg
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