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싱가폴 베스트 셀러 Top 10 (2008.8월)
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2008-08-18
Fiction (소설)
1. The Shack (by William P.Young)
2. The Host (by Stephenie Meyer)
3. The Appeal (by John Grisham)
4. Playing For Pizza (by John Grisham)
5. A thousand Splendid Suns (by Khaled Hosseini)
6. Chasing Harry Winston (by Lauren Weisberger)
7. The Last Oracle (by James Rollins)
8. The Broken Window (by Jeffrey Deaver)
9. Rough Justice (by Jack Higgins)
10. Sail (by James Patterson)
Non-fiction (비소설)
1. The Last Lecture (by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow)
2. 1434 : The Year A Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed To Italy And Ignited The Renaissance (by Gavin Menzies)
3. Rich Dads Increase Your Financial IQ (by Robert Kiyosaki)
4. Rich Dads Guide To Investing (by Robert Kiyosaki)
5. The New Paradigm For Financial Markets (by George Soros)
6. The Audacity of Hope (by Barack Obama)
7. The Secret (by Rhonda Byrne)
8. 1412 : The Year China Discovered The World (by Gavin Menzies)
9. English As It is Broken (by The Straits Times)
10. Globality : Competing with Everyone From Everywhere For Everything (by Hal Sirkin, Jim Hemerling, Arindam Bhattacharya)
Children’s (어린이 관련도서)
1. Breaking Dawn (by Stephenie Meyer)
2. True Singapore Ghost Stories #18 (by Russell Lee)
3. New Moon (by Stephenie Meyer)
4. Twilight (by Stephenie Meyer)
5. Geronimo Stilton , Stilton, Secret Agent (by Geronimo Stilton)
6. Eclipse (by Stephenie Meyer)
7. Artemis Fowl : The Time Paradox (by Eoin Colfer)
8. Mr. Midnight #47: Walking, Running Killer Fish (by James Lee)
9. Mr. Midnight #46: Heads will Roll (by James Lee)
10. Mr. Midnight #9: The Mystery Of the Seventh Sword (by James Lee)
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