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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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  • 3,239
  • 사회
  • 교통위반 벌점 및 벌금표 (참고 : Singapore Traffic Police, 2012 Sep 업데이트 확인)

페이지 정보

  • 한국촌 (hansing)
    1. 3,972
    2. 5
    3. 0
    4. 2012-09-11


싱가포르 교통경찰 (Singapore Traffic Police) 은 Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS) 을 운영하고 있으며 아래의 위반 사례에 따라 3 ~ 24 Demerit Points 및 벌금을 부과하고 있습니다.

위반 사례에 따라 벌금 또는 벌점이 주어지게 되며 (예 : 신규 운전면허 취득 후 12개월 이내에 13 Demerit Points 이상을 받은 경우 운전면허 취소) 자세한 포인트 및 벌금 적용 사례는 아래의 링크에서 확인이 가능합니다.

- 교통위반 벌점 및 벌금표

3 Demerit Points

• Disobeying traffic direction of Police Officer

• Carrying excess pillion or carrying pillion not sitting astride

• Riders failing to wear or wear insecurely on his head a protective helmet

• Driver failing to wear a seat belt

• Driver failing to ensure that front/rear seat passenger wears a seat belt

• Allowing a child below 8 years of age who is a front/rear passenger to be secured with an unapproved child restraint

• Using a motor vehicle where a child below 8 years of age, who is a front/rear passenger is not properly secured by an approved child restraint when there is seat belt available for the use of such passenger

• Parking within a Demerit Points No Parking Zone

• Stopping within a Demerit Points No Stopping Zone

• Parking abreast of another vehicle

• Parking within a pedestrian crossing

• Stopping at a zebra-crossing

• Carrying passengers on goods vehicle without a permit

• Conveying load not properly secured

• Using tyre with ply or cord carcass exposed

In addition, a composition amount is imposed as follows:

Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$120.00

Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$150.00

4 Demerit Points

• Exceeding speed limit of vehicle by up to 20km/h.

• Exceeding speed limit of the road by up to 20km/h.

• Failing to give way to oncoming traffic at controlled junction.

• Failing to give way at uncontrolled junction.

• Failing to give way at junction.

• Failing to give way at roundabout.

• Crossing double white lines.

• Crossing road divider.

• Hindering flow of traffic.

• Failing to give way to ambulance or fire brigade or police vehicle.

• Driving while carrying load on a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner.

• Driving or leaving a vehicle in a bus lane during restricted hours.

• Stop or allow vehicle to remain at rest on shoulder of an expressway.

• Stopping or remaining at rest on the carriageway of an expressway.

• Forming up incorrectly when turning left or right.

In addition, a composition amount is imposed as follows:

Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$130.00

Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$160.00

6 Demerit Points

• Driving or riding against the flow of traffic.

• Driving on a shoulder of an expressway.

• Load falling off from the vehicle.

• Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 20km/h up to 30km/h.

• Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 20km/h up to 30km/h.

• Offences committed by motorists at a pedestrian crossing

a Failing to give way to pedestrian at pedestrian crossing.

b Unable to stop your vehicle before reaching a pedestrian crossing.

c Failing to allow free and uninterrupted passage to pedestrian.

d Failing to give way to pedestrian at controlled intersection.

• Careless driving.

• Carrying passengers on a goods vehicle in a dangerous manner.

• Carrying passengers on a motor vehicle or trailer in a dangerous manner.

• Reversing unnecessarily along an expressway.

In addition, a composition amount is imposed as follows:

Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below) : S$150.00

Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg) : S$180.00

8 Demerit Points

• Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 30km/h up to 40km/h.

• Exceeding the speed limit of the road by more than 30km/h up to 40km/h.

In addition, a composition amount is imposed as follows:

Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$170.00

Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$200.00

9 Demerit Points

• Driving without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users.

In addition, a composition amount is imposed as follows:

Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below): S$170.00

Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg): S$200.00

12 Demerit Points

• Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 40km/h up to 50km/h.

• Exceeding the speed limit of the road by more than 40km/h up to 50km/h.

These offenders will be prosecuted in court.

• Failing to conform to traffic red light signals.

In addition, a composition amount is imposed as follows:

Light Vehicle (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below) : S$200.00

Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg) : S$230.00

• Use of mobile telephone whilst driving.

The offenders may be prosecuted in court and disqualified from driving. The offenders handphone and SIM card may also be seized to facilitate investigation. These may be forfeited by the court upon conviction.

Court Penalties:

1st time offender- Fine not exceeding $1000.00 or jail sentence of up to 6 months or both.

2nd or subsequent conviction- Fine not exceeding $2000.00 or jail sentence of up to 12 months or both.

18 Demerit Points

• Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 50 km/h up to 60km/h.

• Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 50km/h up to 60km/h.

Offender will be prosecuted in court.

24 Demerit Points

• Exceeding speed limit for vehicle by more than 60 km/h.

• Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 60km/h.

• Reckless or dangerous driving.

Offender will be prosecuted in court.


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