- 3,173
- 부동산
- 2012년 1, 2분기 사무실, 가게 임대비 평균
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2,790
- 0
- 0
- 2012-08-10
Note :
(1) Refers to office space in buildings located in core business areas in Downtown Core and Orchard
Planning Area which are relatively modern or recently refurbished, command relatively high rentals
and have large floor plate size and gross floor area.
(2) Refers to the remaining office space in Singapore which are not included in “Category 1”.
(3) Refers to the Orchard Planning Area.
(4) The Map of Central Region showing Orchard and Rest of City Area (RCA) is available at:
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