- 2,468
- 기타
- 2012년도 Primary 1 등록 시작 안내
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 1,312
- 0
- 0
- 2011-06-20
* The P1-IS serves as an alternate channel to facilitate the registration of children during Phase 2C and Phase 2C Supplementary only for these schools. To register online via the P1-IS, both Parents’ SingPass are required
2012년도 적용 대상 학교
Anchor Green Primary School
Beacon Primary School
Canberra Primary School
Edgefield Primary School
Endeavour Primary School
Mee Toh School
Nan Chiau Primary School
North Vista Primary School
자세한 일정보기 : http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/admissions/primary-one-registration/
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