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  • 싱가포르 각 분야별 베스트셀러 도서 Top 10 (2010년 11월)

페이지 정보

  • 한국촌 (hansing)
    1. 2,174
    2. 0
    3. 0
    4. 2010-11-15


싱가포르 각 분야별 베스트 셀러 Top 10입니다. 해당 순위 정보는 Kinokuniya, Borders, MPH, Page One VivoCity, Popular 그리고 Times bookstores의 발표를 참고하였습니다.

Fiction (소설)

1. The Lost Symbol (by Dan Brown)
2. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (by Stieg Larsson)
3. House Rules (by Judi Picoult)
4. The Girl Who Played With Fire (by Stieg Larsson)
5. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest (by Stieg Larsson)
6. The Confession (by John Grisham)
7. The Finkler Question (by Howard Jacobson)
8. Hells Corner (by David Baldacci)
9. Safe Haven (by Nicholas Sparks)
10. Beatrice And Virgil (by Yann Martel)

Non-fiction (비소설)

1. Eat, Pray, Love (by Elizabeth Gilbert)
2. Have a little Faith (by Mitch Albom)
3. What The Dog Saw And Other Adventures (by Malcolm Gladwell)
4. Accidental Billionaires (by Mezrich Ben)
5. Orange Revolution (by Adrian Gostick)
6. Grand Design (by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow)
7. Conversations With Lee Kuan Yew (by Tom Plate)
8. The Facebook Effect (by David Kirkpatrick)
9. The Power (by Rhonda Byrne)
10. Open (by Andre Agassi)

Children’s (어린이 관련도서)

1. Quest for paradise - Return to The Kingdom of Fantasy (by Geronimo Stilton)
2. Thea Stilton And tThe Mystery In Paris (by Thea Stilton)
3. I am Not A Supermouse (by Geronimo Stilton)
4. The Heroes of Olympus #1 : The Lost Hero (by Rick Riordan)
5. The Kingdom Of Fantasy (by Geronimo Stilton)
6. The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief (by Geronimo Stilton)
7. Thea Stilton And The Secret City (by Thea Stilton)
8. Dork Diaries #2 : Party Time (by Rachel Renee Russell)
9. Mr. Midnight Special Edition #3 : Trick Or Treat - Or Die (by James Lee)
10. Thea Stilton And The Ghost of The Shipwreck (by Thea Stilton)


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