- 1,863
- 기타
싱가포르에서 자주 사용되는 싱글리쉬 (Singlish) 표현
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2010-08-27
(Source : Singapore Education Service Division)
- Aiyah : A term of exasperation
- Aiyoh : Oh my, Oh dear
- Alamak! : Shock surprised (malay)
- Ang Mor, Orang Putih, Mat Salleh : White Person
- Arrow : Given an unenviable task
- Barang-barang : your personal belongings (Malay)
- Bodoh : Stupid (Malay)
- Boh-Chup : Could not care less (Hokkien)
- Boleh : Can (Malay)
- Blur Confused
- Can ? : Maybe or possible
- Chim : Difficult (Hokkien)
- Chop : To Stamp
- Chope : To reserve
- DoWan : Do not want
- Go where : whare are you going ?
- Gostun : Go backwards (Malay)
- Hah ? : Term to denote confusion
- Havoc : Wild and uncontrollable
- Kayu : Dumb or stupid (Malay)
- Kiam Siap : Stingy (Hokkien)
- Kiasu : Afraid of losing out to others
- Lah : Used at end of sentences for emphasis
- Langger : Collide
- Liao : Finish
- Makan : Eat (Malay)
- Obiang : Ugly or outdated
- Pai seh : Embarrassed or Shy (Hokkien)
- Rojak : Mixed (Malay)
- Salah : Wrong : (Malay)
- Sekali : Suddenly (Malay)
- Shiok : Fantastic
- So how? : so what now ?
- Solid : Great
- Sotong : Does not know what is going on
- Suaku : Country bumpkin (Hokkien)
- Sure ah : Are you sure
- Terok : Troublesome
- Tompang : To ride on or request a favour
- Ulu : Rural or deserted place
- Wait : Later
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