- 1,659
- 기타
싱가포르 세관 (Singapore Customs), 상인을 위한 Mobile Search Service 제공
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2010-06-08
URL 주소 : https://www.tradexchange.gov.sg/mobile
제공 서비스
1) Declaration Status Enquiry : Allows users to enquire on the status of the customs declaration whether the declaration submitted has been approved. rejected or further submission of supporting docoument is required.
2) Exchange Rate Search : Allows users to enquire published customs exchange rate via users mobile phone. Users can enter the date of search and have an option to view the top 10 most frequently used exchange rate or view a requested countrys exchange rate
3) Currency Converter : Allows users to convert amount from one currency to another currency based on current days Customs published exchange rate
* 세관에서 제공되는 서비스는 무료이나 통신사에서 Data 사용 요금이 청구될수 있습니다.
* 안내전화 : Customer Service Centre 6355 2000
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