- 1,467
- 기타
- 무료 박물관 (Paranakan Museum) 전시 안내
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2,401
- 0
- 0
- 2010-03-06
일시 : 6 & 7 March 2010, 12 ~ 5pm
무료입장 : 9am ~ 7pm
전시 및 공연내용
- Come to face-to-face with the monkey god and a ten-headed king in an action packed chinese opera
- Enjoy thrilling javanese drama and indian dance performances, inspired by the Ramayana
- Get hands-on with handicrafts, henna art, face painting and traditional sand art!
* Free ice-cream for visitors and notebooks for kids! (available while stocks last)
홈페이지 : www.peranakanmuseum.sg
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