- 1,460
- 기타
2009년 개인소득세 공제내역 변경 안내
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 2010-03-03
싱가포르 국세청 홈페이지 (IRAS) : http://www.iras.gov.sg
1) Spouse Relief
A new tax relief is given to female taxpayers with effect from Year of Assessment 2010.
If you are eligible to claim the Spouse Relief, please provide the following information via email at spouserelief@iras.gov.sg or call 1800-3568300:
Your name and NRIC/Tax reference number
Your spouse’s name and NRIC/Tax reference number
2) Parent Relief
The Parent Relief is increased with effect from Year of Assessment 2010. The new amount is not reflected in the e-Filing system. Please indicate your claim if you are eligible for the relief and the increased parent relief amount will be shown in your 2010 Notice of Assessment (tax bill).
3) Handicapped Dependant Reliefs and other Dependant-related Reliefs
The income conditions for these reliefs have been changed.
자주 묻는 질문답변 (FAQ) : http://www.iras.gov.sg/irasHome/page04.aspx?id=10140
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