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- 기타
- 싱가포르 각 분야별 베스트셀러 도서 Top 10 (9월)
페이지 정보
- 한국촌 (hansing)
- 1,791
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- 2009-09-28
Fiction (소설)
1. The Lost Symbol (by Dan Brown)
2. The Time Travellers Wife (by Audrey Niffenegger)
3. Starting Over (by Tony Parsons)
4. Twenties Girl (by Sophie Kinsella)
5. Alex Crosss Trial (by James Patterson)
6. 206 Bones (by Kathy Reichs)
7. Sidney Sheldons Mistress Of The Game (by Tilly Bagshawe)
8. Best Friends Forever (by Jennifer Weiner)
9. A Good Woman (by Danielle Steel)
10. The Associate (by John Grisham)
Non-fiction (비소설)
1. Men In White (by Sonny Yap, Richard Lim and Leong Weng Kam)
2. Criminal Intent (by Wong Kim Hoh)
3. Outliers (by Malcolm Gladwell)
4. Secrets Of Forex Millionaires (by Yeo Keong Hee)
5. The Miracle : The Epic Story Of Asias Quest For Wealth (by Michael Schuman)
6. Who Killed Change ? Solving The Mystery Of Leading People Through Change (by Ken Blanchard)
7. Think Like De Vinci : 7 Easy Steps To Boosting Your Everyday Genius (by Michael Gelb)
8. Instant Turnaround! Getting People Excited About Coming To Work And Working Hard (by Harry Paul and Ross Reck)
9. The Way Of Ping : Journey To A Great Ocean (by Avery Stuart Goh)
10. The Mile Hi! Club (by Janet Chew)
Children’s (어린이 관련도서)
1. The Discovery Of America (by Geronimo Stilton)
2. The Secret Of The Sphinx (by Geronimo Stilton)
3. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid #3 : The Last Straw (by Jeff Kinney)
4. Thea Stilton And The Mountain Of Fire (by Thea Stilton)
5. A Fabumouse School Adventure (by Geronimo Stilton)
6. True Singapore Ghost Stories #19 (by Russell Lee)
7. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid #2 : Rodrick Rules (by Jeff Kinney)
8. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid #1 : In The Beginning (by Jeff Kinney)
9. The Diary Of Amos Lee (by Adeline Foo)
10. Thea Stilton And The Dragons code (by Geronimo Stilton)
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