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  • [질문]
  • 미답변
  • 기타
  • 애플맥북을 사려는데
  • 마루탱 ()
  • 질문 : 1,963건
  • 질문마감률 : 0.1%
  • 2008-06-26 21:43
  • 답글 : 0
  • 댓글 : 0
  • 786
  • 6
학생할인이 되는지 궁금합니다. MDIS 다니고 있는데 ** Who is Eligible To Purchase The following K-12 individuals are eligible to purchase through the Apple Store for Education: Employee of public or private K-12 institutions in Singapore School Board members who are currently serving as elected or appointed members PTA or PTO executives currently serving as elected or appointed officers Employee of a public or private, profit or non-profit preschool Staff of Ministry of Education The following Hi-Ed individuals are eligible to purchase through the Apple Store for Education: Faculty or staff member of a public or private Higher Education Institution in Singapore Student currently attending or accepted into a public or private Higher Education Institution in Singapore Parent purchasing on behalf of his or her child who is a student currently attending or accepted into a public or private Higher Education Institution in Singapore Staff of Ministry of Education 자격요건인데 MDIS 학생도 여기에 포함되는지 궁금하네요.     

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