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- 공룡둘리님께 질문이여 ~~~
- 얼짱 ()
- 질문 : 1,963건
- 질문마감률 : 0.1%
- 2004-03-08 22:12
- 답글 : 2
- 댓글 : 0
그렇다면 PR 신청한후에 한 2년있다가 다시 고국으로 돌아가게 되면 그때 CPF account 에 있는 돈을 받고 돌아갈수 있나여 ? 아니면 55세 될때 까지 기다렸다가 받는건가여 ?
한 2-3년후에 돌아갈 예정이라면 PR 신청을 하는게 나은가여 ? 아닌가여 ?
Thank you so much in advance
- [답변]
- [re] 공룡둘리님께 질문이여 ~~~
- 공룡둘리 ()
- 답변 : 921건
- 답변채택률 : 0.43%
- 2004-03-09 12:01
You can withdraw most of the money in your CPF account when you give up PR, however you have to put all the amount with interest (2.5%-4%) back in your CPF account when you become a Singapore PR again in the future.
CPF is aimed for the retirement but Singaporian are using it mainly for buying HDB (same as Ju-Gong APT in Korea). In my opinion, there is not much merit to become a PR unless you buy a HDB, and also 2-3 years is very short period for considering to become a PR.
>그렇다면 PR 신청한후에 한 2년있다가 다시 고국으로 돌아가게 되면 그때 CPF account 에 있는 돈을 받고 돌아갈수 있나여 ? 아니면 55세 될때 까지 기다렸다가 받는건가여 ?
>한 2-3년후에 돌아갈 예정이라면 PR 신청을 하는게 나은가여 ? 아닌가여 ?
>Thank you so much in advance
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
- [답변]
- [re]Thank you very much ~~~^^
- 얼짱 ()
- 답변 : 921건
- 답변채택률 : 0.43%
- 2004-03-13 19:50
>You can withdraw most of the money in your CPF account when you give up PR, however you have to put all the amount with interest (2.5%-4%) back in your CPF account when you become a Singapore PR again in the future.
>CPF is aimed for the retirement but Singaporian are using it mainly for buying HDB (same as Ju-Gong APT in Korea). In my opinion, there is not much merit to become a PR unless you buy a HDB, and also 2-3 years is very short period for considering to become a PR.
>>그렇다면 PR 신청한후에 한 2년있다가 다시 고국으로 돌아가게 되면 그때 CPF account 에 있는 돈을 받고 돌아갈수 있나여 ? 아니면 55세 될때 까지 기다렸다가 받는건가여 ?
>>한 2-3년후에 돌아갈 예정이라면 PR 신청을 하는게 나은가여 ? 아닌가여 ?
>>Thank you so much in advance
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
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