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- 싱가폴부동산관련 (여긴 투명해서 좋습니다^^)
- 밝게맑게말야 (iandp)
- 질문 : 25건
- 질문마감률 : 4%
- 2017-08-07 13:42
- 답글 : 0
- 댓글 : 0
싱가폴에 10년넘게 살면서 항상 느끼는 건 싱가폴정부의 정책은 투명하다는 거죠.
부동산만 놓고봐도 간단하죠:
정부은행이나 저런 정부가 대주주인 부동산회사들이 올라간다 내려간다 분명한 신호를 확실하게 주죠.
DBS같은 국책은행에서 가격이 내려간다는 분명한 신호: (2013년 3분기 - 2017년 2분기 + 3분기)
공급을 늘리고 stamdp duty를 (특히 외국인들) 확 올리고 대출줄이면서
지난 2013년 3분기이후 계속 내려간다고 했죠,
그래서 4년간 ( 정확하게 4년이군요 2013년 3분기부터 2017년 3분기 현재)
지속적으로 하락했지만 반대로 로컬들 ( 시민권자와 영주권자)의 매수는
꾸준하게 유도
(기사에 나온 것처럼 올해 2017년 상반기 싱가폴부동산 매수자의 94%가 로컬들)
DBS은행에서 반대로 이제 부동산시장이 회복되고
10%이상 가격반등한다는 신호를 분명한 신호 ( 2017년 3분기 이후? - 2021년? )
현재 팔리지않고 남은 주택재고물량이 16년내 (2001년내) 최저
2017년 상반기 거래량은 46%이상 폭발적인증가
향후 부동산가격은 지역에 따라다르지만 10%대 상승
특히( RCR Rest of Core Region)의 상승이 두드러질것이라는
그래서 Queens Town, Redhill, Tiong Baru (이런 Alexandara Road따라서
가격상승이 두드러지는 건지)
외국인관련 정책이 변경될거라는 힌트등등 투명한 신호^^
덧붙여서 불필요한 첨언이지만 이런 싱가폴경제 부동산관련 기사를 올린다고
혹시라도 오해를 하는 분들이 있을 까봐 하는 말이지만 부동산과 아무 상관없는 사람입니다^^
우린 10여년전 2002년에 싱가폴에 온지 얼마안되서' Bukit Timar'란 지역에
Landed House라고 하죠 단독주택을 당시 좀 무리해서 샀죠
밑의 관련기사들은 대부분 콘도와 HDB관련 기사들입니다.
(당시는 외국인들도 딘독주택 사는 데 별다른 제약이 없었어요).
그 이후 많이 올라서 최근 부동산상황하고는 별다른 이해관계가 없습니다.
다만 그때와 지금 비교하면 한국인들 이민이 엄청나게 늘어나는 중인데
그런 분들 도움될 까해서 올려봅니다.

Brace yourselves for a 10% property price hike
This would come as volumes approach five-year peaks.
Some analysts are believing that the time has come for the property market to undergo an inflection.
According to DBS Group Research analysts led by Derek Tan, recent market indicators point
toward a property market inflection this year and a rise in property prices from 2018 onwards.
To recall, property sales in the first six months of the year have increased 46% YoY.
The analysts believe that if the sales momentum continues, volume will reach a five-year peak.
"In our analysis,
we found that 94% of home buyers in 1H17 are Singaporean households.
A wildcard to a further acceleration in price is
when the wave of buying from foreigners return,
especially for homes in the Core Central region," they noted.
With this, they forecast property prices to rise by 6-10% in two years.
Meanwhile, the rise in property prices will be supported
by the market absorption rate which is at multi -year lows.
Unsold inventories are at 16-year lows at 29,000 units, they cited.
"When compared against current transaction levels,
we found that market absorption rate
(ratio of unsold units and new sales) stands at 2.1x and it is
the tightest in the suburb (Outside Central region),"
DBS Group Research analysts noted.
They added, "Even if we were to include the more than
3,000 unlaunched new units from
the recent government land sales (GLS) and en blocs,
we believe the market can absorb them easily."
Singapore Property Market Is 'Bottoming Out,'
Says Biggest Developer's CEO
Klaus Wille and Paul Panckhurst
2017년 8월 3일 오전 11:52 GMT+8 2017년 8월 3일 오후 1:03 GMT+8
CEO Lim says investors favor city over Hong Kong, London
Extra liquidity plays a role, no shift in ‘fundamentals’: Lim
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Singapore’s biggest developer, CapitaLand Ltd., detects signs that the city’s residential property market is “bottoming out” after a run of price declines, Chief Executive Officer Lim Ming Yan said.
Many investors are seeing Singapore as relatively more attractive than Hong Kong, London or Australian cities, Lim, who’s also president of the firm, said in a Bloomberg TV interview with Haslinda Amin on Thursday. Extra liquidity was a factor in higher transaction volumes and slower price declines in recent months, he said.
“For a rebound to take place on a more sustainable basis, there has to be overall improvements in the fundamentals,” Lim said.
The government’s efforts to cool a red-hot market have triggered a record 15-quarter decline in home prices, in contrast with cities such as Hong Kong, where property keeps soaring to records. In March, Singapore eased some restrictions, but cautioned that those adjustments didn’t signal any bigger unwinding of curbs.
Singapore’s restrictions are “a very stringent policy,” so further tightening isn’t likely, Lim said. “At the same time, given the current market conditions, it’s unlikely that we will see a relaxation, certainly not within this year.”

Lim Ming Yan.
Home sales jumped 72 percent during the first half from a year earlier as developers sold 6,567 units, according to the Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Lim was commenting after CapitaLand said net income almost doubled to S$579 million ($426 million) in the three months ended June 30 from a year earlier. Revenue declined 12 percent to S$992 million. Assets in China made up 43 percent of the S$44 billion CapitaLand portfolio as of June and Lim said in the interview that he’d be comfortable if that rose to 50 percent. CapitaLand shares have gained 23 percent this year.
— With assistance by Sebastian Tong, and Anand Menon
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