- [질문]
- 답변진행중
- 기타
- Sony 와 Sharp a/s 센터가 싱가폴에 있나요?
- 곰맘 (dennis3215)
- 질문 : 1건
- 질문마감률 : 0%
- 2006-09-18 04:41
- 답글 : 1
- 댓글 : 0
- [답변]
- [re] Sony 와 Sharp a/s 센터가 싱가폴에 있나요?
- 루크 (minhwankim)
- 답변 : 4건
- 답변채택률 : 0%
- 2006-09-19 15:08
Sony Service center 입니다.
전에 제가 한번 가봤는데, 여기는 한국과 틀려서 Warrenty card 혹은 그것을 증명할 수 있는 것을 가져가야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 돈을 물어야 하지 않을까....
Sony Gallery @ Isetan Orchard (Service Centre) - Accord
435 Orchard Road, Wisma Atria
#04-10,Singapore 238 877
Tel: 6561 1352
Operating Hour:
Monday - Saturday: 10.00am - 9.30pm
Sunday & Public Holiday: 10.00am - 9.30pm
Level of Service:
- Software Upgrade
- Mechanical repairs
- Electrical repairs
- Loaners
- Sales of Mobile phones & accessories
- Data support
Accord Distri Centre (Service Centre) - Accord
20 Toh Guan Road, #06-00, Singapore 608839
Tel: 65611352
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 5.45pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 12.45pm
Sunday & Public Holiday: Close
Level of Service:- Software Upgrade
- Mechanical repairs
- Electrical repairs
- Loaners
- Sales of basic accessories
Gonna send my phone for service. Setup this thread for those who need to service their phone.
No 1 GoldHill Plaza, Podium Block (Service Centre) - MTA
#01-33 (Off Newton Road), Singapore 308899
Tel : 63520200
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday & Public Holiday: Close
Level of Service:
- Software Upgrade
- Mechanical repairs
- Electrical repairs
- Loaners
- Sales of full accessories
- Data support
>싱에 올때 사 들고 온 쏘니 mp3 와 샤프 전자사전이 고장났어요. ㅠㅠ
>싱에 a/s 가 있나요?
>아시는 분 좀 알려주세요...
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