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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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  • [질문]
  • 미답변
  • 기타
  • 싱가폴 집값... 어떻게 보시나요?
  • 비상하는가리 (cbyong)
  • 질문 : 18건
  • 질문마감률 : 0%
  • 2013-02-24 22:49
  • 답글 : 0
  • 댓글 : 13
  • 5,802
  • 33
Agent가 보내준 분석자료중 일부입니다.

아래글에 의하면 싱가폴정부 인구백서에 의한 집이 필요한 인구 (20 ~ 29세까지)와 결혼하지 않고 싱글로 살거나, 이혼하거나, 노령화에의한 자연 인구증가등을 고려하고, 싱가폴정부에서 Release하는 House 수량을 고려하면 앞으로 2020년까지 집공급이 부족할 수 밖에 없다 는 결론 이네요.

어떻게들 생각 하시나요?

Based on the population white paper, there is currently 245,000 citizens, age 20-24 entering the working age, and 200,000 citizens entering marriage age 25-29, total 445,000. This group of citizens either needs housing now or in the near future. Based on 40% of them marrying non-Singaporeans as per Population White Paper, housing needs would be at least 311,500 units.
From 5.31 million now to 5.9 million population by 2020, an increase of 590,000. Let’s assume 4 persons take up a housing unit, there will be demand for another 147,500 units or 98,300 if we assume 6 persons take up a housing unit.
Based on the conservative calculation, housing needs would be at least 410,000 by 2020. There are 200,000 housing units ready by 2016; still short of 210,000 units. Land shall be released by 2016 the latest, in order for flats to be ready for occupation by 2020. And that works out to be 52,000 units per year.
According to news release by URA and HDB, 1st half of 2013 there is a potential supply of 14,000 private residential units including 3,100 executive condominium units. HDB is projected to have at least 20,000 built-to-order flats for 2013. We estimate there will be at least 45,000 units to be released by government in 2013. The more the government release, the sooner the supply crunch will be resolved.
Based on the above analysis, the situation is stunningly grim. Additionally, social factors such as higher proportion of singles, high divorce rate, and people living longer also taking tolls on the current supply crunch in the residential property market.


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