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- [싱가폴 아이돌에 출연중인 한국인2세 에게 많은 성원을 부탁 드립니다]**
- 도움이 (kk2517)
- 질문 : 17건
- 질문마감률 : 0%
- 2006-07-29 22:13
- 답글 : 2
- 댓글 : 0
제가 알고 있는 분 중에 아들이 이번 싱가폴 아이돌 컨테스트에 출연하여
현재 TOP 9 중에 한사람인 JOA KIM GOMEZ 를 소개 하고져 합니다.
아버지는 인디언 이고 어머니가 한국인 입니다.
그래서 이름중에 어머니 성인 KIM 을 넣어서 이름도 지었구요
현재 진행중인 싱가폴 아이돌,,,,
sms 로 하는 투표도 결과에 많은 영향을 미친 답니다.
자녀나, 주위에 아시는 분들에게 널리 얘기를 해주셔서
희망 한다면 TOP 3 에 들어서 한국인2세의 이름이
빛날수 있게 많은 성원 부탁 드립니다....!!!!!!!!!!!
** 아래글은 싱가폴 아이돌 홈페이지에 등록 되어 있는 조킴의 이력서 입니다. **
Joakim Gomez
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Star Sign: Cancer
Favourite singers: Rob Thomas, Robbie Williams, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Jason Mraz
When did you first start to sing?
After listening to Michael Jackson’s Black Or White back in 1991, I started singing and emulating him.
When was the first time you performed?
When I was in kindergarten, I had to sing a Christmas carol on stage solo,
How do you maintain your voice?
Pop some Fisherman Friend, drink loads of chrysanthemum tea, and nin jom pei pa gao.
If you were to describe yourself with one song, what would it be, and why?
Beatles’ Hey Jude. This song has loads of meaning as it teaches a person to accept a person for who she is.
What is your favourite television program?
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Name your comfort food(s).
Dairy Milk Chocolate, Kinder Bueno,
What is the dish that would best describe your personality, and why?
Spaghetti Bolognaise. I’m tall & skinny like the noodle, but I’m still delicious :P
What are the things you’ve got in your bag?
My Adidas Germany Jacket, my mp3 player, bottle of perfume, and my house keys
Use three words to describe yourself.
Jovial, sensitive and friendly
Tell us one thing about you that people are always surprised to learn about.
I’m Korean.
Describe your most recent date.
A real tragedy…
What external qualities do you look for in a girl?
I accept a person for who she is, and I’m really serious about this. The only thing I can’t stand is a hot temper, that’s all.
Which is the most memorable thing you’ve ever done for your dad/mum?
On Mothers’ Day, when I was 11, I went up on the altar to read a Mothers’ Day note for my mom.
What is your fondest childhood memory?
Going for my first ever World Wrestling Federation tour
What is your worst childhood memory?
Oooh the cane, the shoe, the belt and the golf club!!!
What are the 5 things you want to do before reaching 30?
1) Go to Disneyland,
2) Bungee jump
3) Sky dive
4) Go to Hollywood
5) Attend a Wrestlemania match
If you could change one stereotype people had of you, what would it be?
That I’m plastic? (laughs) I really love making friends and loving everybody. I just am afraid sometimes people might think I backstab them.
If you can be anyone in the world, who would you choose to be? Why?
Shawn Michaels. Well I’m a big fan of his and I really do love wrestling. I just want to know what it’s like to do all those high risk moves for real.
Tell us about a lucky charm that has been with you throughout the competition.
My glow-in-the-dark rosary.
Who is your favourite judge, and why?
Jacintha. I guess she believes in me. (I don’t know. I might be wrong.)
- [답변]
- [re] [싱가폴 아이돌에 출연중인 한국인2세 에게 많은 성원을 부탁 드립니다]**
- bob (cooki1227)
- 답변 : 4건
- 답변채택률 : 0%
- 2006-07-30 01:42
요즘 싱가폴 아이돌 보는 재미로 사는데...
애들아빠도 늦게오고해서요 ㅎㅎㅎ. 근데 솔직히 전반적으로 가창력이 좀...
Joakim 귀엽고 열심히하긴 하는데 노래는 별루던데요...
그래도 한국사람이니까 잘되길 바래야져 ^^*
개인적으론 Hady 짱~약간 강병규 닮아서 잘 생기고 노래도 잘하고 ...
> 제가 알고 있는 분 중에 아들이 이번 싱가폴 아이돌 컨테스트에 출연하여
>현재 TOP 9 중에 한사람인 JOA KIM GOMEZ 를 소개 하고져 합니다.
>아버지는 인디언 이고 어머니가 한국인 입니다.
>그래서 이름중에 어머니 성인 KIM 을 넣어서 이름도 지었구요
>현재 진행중인 싱가폴 아이돌,,,,
>sms 로 하는 투표도 결과에 많은 영향을 미친 답니다.
>자녀나, 주위에 아시는 분들에게 널리 얘기를 해주셔서
>희망 한다면 TOP 3 에 들어서 한국인2세의 이름이
>빛날수 있게 많은 성원 부탁 드립니다....!!!!!!!!!!!
>** 아래글은 싱가폴 아이돌 홈페이지에 등록 되어 있는 조킴의 이력서 입니다. **
> www.singaporeidol.com
>Joakim Gomez
> Age: 18
>Occupation: Student
>Star Sign: Cancer
>Favourite singers: Rob Thomas, Robbie Williams, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Jason Mraz
>When did you first start to sing?
>After listening to Michael Jackson’s Black Or White back in 1991, I started singing and emulating him.
>When was the first time you performed?
>When I was in kindergarten, I had to sing a Christmas carol on stage solo,
>How do you maintain your voice?
>Pop some Fisherman Friend, drink loads of chrysanthemum tea, and nin jom pei pa gao.
>If you were to describe yourself with one song, what would it be, and why?
>Beatles’ Hey Jude. This song has loads of meaning as it teaches a person to accept a person for who she is.
>What is your favourite television program?
>Whose Line Is It Anyway?
>Name your comfort food(s).
>Dairy Milk Chocolate, Kinder Bueno,
>What is the dish that would best describe your personality, and why?
>Spaghetti Bolognaise. I’m tall & skinny like the noodle, but I’m still delicious :P
>What are the things you’ve got in your bag?
>My Adidas Germany Jacket, my mp3 player, bottle of perfume, and my house keys
>Use three words to describe yourself.
>Jovial, sensitive and friendly
>Tell us one thing about you that people are always surprised to learn about.
>I’m Korean.
>Describe your most recent date.
>A real tragedy…
>What external qualities do you look for in a girl?
>I accept a person for who she is, and I’m really serious about this. The only thing I can’t stand is a hot temper, that’s all.
>Which is the most memorable thing you’ve ever done for your dad/mum?
>On Mothers’ Day, when I was 11, I went up on the altar to read a Mothers’ Day note for my mom.
>What is your fondest childhood memory?
>Going for my first ever World Wrestling Federation tour
>What is your worst childhood memory?
>Oooh the cane, the shoe, the belt and the golf club!!!
>What are the 5 things you want to do before reaching 30?
>1) Go to Disneyland,
>2) Bungee jump
>3) Sky dive
>4) Go to Hollywood
>5) Attend a Wrestlemania match
>If you could change one stereotype people had of you, what would it be?
>That I’m plastic? (laughs) I really love making friends and loving everybody. I just am afraid sometimes people might think I backstab them.
>If you can be anyone in the world, who would you choose to be? Why?
>Shawn Michaels. Well I’m a big fan of his and I really do love wrestling. I just want to know what it’s like to do all those high risk moves for real.
>Tell us about a lucky charm that has been with you throughout the competition.
>My glow-in-the-dark rosary.
>Who is your favourite judge, and why?
>Jacintha. I guess she believes in me. (I don’t know. I might be wrong.)
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
- [답변]
- [re] [싱가폴 아이돌에 출연중인 한국인2세 에게 많은 성원을 부탁 드립니다]**
- 아기코끼리 ()
- 답변 : 921건
- 답변채택률 : 0.43%
- 2006-08-03 16:53
엄마가 미인이시던데 ........조아킴 젤루 귀여워요 ^^ 화이링 ~~~~~
> 제가 알고 있는 분 중에 아들이 이번 싱가폴 아이돌 컨테스트에 출연하여
>현재 TOP 9 중에 한사람인 JOA KIM GOMEZ 를 소개 하고져 합니다.
>아버지는 인디언 이고 어머니가 한국인 입니다.
>그래서 이름중에 어머니 성인 KIM 을 넣어서 이름도 지었구요
>현재 진행중인 싱가폴 아이돌,,,,
>sms 로 하는 투표도 결과에 많은 영향을 미친 답니다.
>자녀나, 주위에 아시는 분들에게 널리 얘기를 해주셔서
>희망 한다면 TOP 3 에 들어서 한국인2세의 이름이
>빛날수 있게 많은 성원 부탁 드립니다....!!!!!!!!!!!
>** 아래글은 싱가폴 아이돌 홈페이지에 등록 되어 있는 조킴의 이력서 입니다. **
> www.singaporeidol.com
>Joakim Gomez
> Age: 18
>Occupation: Student
>Star Sign: Cancer
>Favourite singers: Rob Thomas, Robbie Williams, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Jason Mraz
>When did you first start to sing?
>After listening to Michael Jackson’s Black Or White back in 1991, I started singing and emulating him.
>When was the first time you performed?
>When I was in kindergarten, I had to sing a Christmas carol on stage solo,
>How do you maintain your voice?
>Pop some Fisherman Friend, drink loads of chrysanthemum tea, and nin jom pei pa gao.
>If you were to describe yourself with one song, what would it be, and why?
>Beatles’ Hey Jude. This song has loads of meaning as it teaches a person to accept a person for who she is.
>What is your favourite television program?
>Whose Line Is It Anyway?
>Name your comfort food(s).
>Dairy Milk Chocolate, Kinder Bueno,
>What is the dish that would best describe your personality, and why?
>Spaghetti Bolognaise. I’m tall & skinny like the noodle, but I’m still delicious :P
>What are the things you’ve got in your bag?
>My Adidas Germany Jacket, my mp3 player, bottle of perfume, and my house keys
>Use three words to describe yourself.
>Jovial, sensitive and friendly
>Tell us one thing about you that people are always surprised to learn about.
>I’m Korean.
>Describe your most recent date.
>A real tragedy…
>What external qualities do you look for in a girl?
>I accept a person for who she is, and I’m really serious about this. The only thing I can’t stand is a hot temper, that’s all.
>Which is the most memorable thing you’ve ever done for your dad/mum?
>On Mothers’ Day, when I was 11, I went up on the altar to read a Mothers’ Day note for my mom.
>What is your fondest childhood memory?
>Going for my first ever World Wrestling Federation tour
>What is your worst childhood memory?
>Oooh the cane, the shoe, the belt and the golf club!!!
>What are the 5 things you want to do before reaching 30?
>1) Go to Disneyland,
>2) Bungee jump
>3) Sky dive
>4) Go to Hollywood
>5) Attend a Wrestlemania match
>If you could change one stereotype people had of you, what would it be?
>That I’m plastic? (laughs) I really love making friends and loving everybody. I just am afraid sometimes people might think I backstab them.
>If you can be anyone in the world, who would you choose to be? Why?
>Shawn Michaels. Well I’m a big fan of his and I really do love wrestling. I just want to know what it’s like to do all those high risk moves for real.
>Tell us about a lucky charm that has been with you throughout the competition.
>My glow-in-the-dark rosary.
>Who is your favourite judge, and why?
>Jacintha. I guess she believes in me. (I don’t know. I might be wrong.)
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