한국촌 상단 로고

싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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  • [질문]
  • 미답변
  • 기타
  • Diplomatic Clause 계산 확인 부탁
  • 괜찮아요 (junkak)
  • 질문 : 16건
  • 질문마감률 : 0%
  • 2013-01-11 13:45
  • 답글 : 0
  • 댓글 : 1
  • 960
  • 4

아래 붉은 색으로 표시된 부분을 보면, 12개월 살고 한국으로 돌아가더라도 일부 penalty는 부담해야 겠네요.

예를 들어 월 2000불에 2년 계약으로 14개월 살고 잔여기간이 10개월 남았다면, 그리고 주인이 한달치 2000 불을 복비로 부동산 agent 한테 내주었다면, 2000 x (10 / 24) = 833불은 보증금에서 돌려 받지 못하겠네요. 제가 이해하고 있는 것이 맞는지 봐주시기 바랍니다.

Notwithstanding anything herein contained, if at any time after the expiration of twelve (12) months from the date of the commencement of this tenancy, the immediate occupant of the said premises, Mr ______________________ shall be transferred out of the Republic of Singapore permanently by his firm, ceased to be employed by the Tenant or if for any cause whatsoever he shall be ordered to leave the Republic of Singapore, then and in such a case, it shall be lawful for the Tenant to determine this tenancy by giving not less than ___________ (___) months advance notice (this is in addition to the twelve (12) months aforesaid) in writing to the Landlord or by paying___________ (___) months rent in lieu of such notice. Documentary evidence of such transfer, cessation or order shall be required and such notice shall be deemed to have commenced on such date as the Landlord shall have actually received such evidence.

In the event that the Tenant should terminate this tenancy prematurely or exercise the diplomatic clause, the Tenant shall undertake to reimburse the Landlord on a pro-rata basis, the commission paid to __________________ for the brokerage services rendered.


꼭 필요한 질문, 정성스런 답변 부탁드립니다!

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