- [질문]
- 답변진행중
- 기타
- Lg computer...
- lalala (monella)
- 질문 : 30건
- 질문마감률 : 0%
- 2006-07-14 22:54
- 답글 : 3
- 댓글 : 0
I think I have a software problem with my LG computer running on a Korean operating system. I contacted LG A/S in Singapore, but they dont provide service for PCs. I can bring my PC to Sim Lim, but they wont be able to read and diagnose the error message. My question is - is there a service center person to call to solve such a problem?
- [답변]
- [re] Lg computer...
- 싱직장인 (jpilyang)
- 답변 : 130건
- 답변채택률 : 0%
- 2006-07-15 00:00
I believe LG A/S center has no idea how they handle your computer if you have Korean language problem. And they are not willing to support too difficult problems unless your computer is under worldwide warrnty period.
I belive you can get some help from the guy whose ID is "Computer A/S engineer" (컴퓨터A/S기사). He answered a lot difficult questions and problems from Koreans. Sorry, I dont have his phone number, so Contact him through his emial addresss k77is@hanmail.net.
Good Luck!
>I think I have a software problem with my LG computer running on a Korean operating system. I contacted LG A/S in Singapore, but they dont provide service for PCs. I can bring my PC to Sim Lim, but they wont be able to read and diagnose the error message. My question is - is there a service center person to call to solve such a problem?
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- [답변]
- [re] Lg computer...
- lalala (monella)
- 답변 : 19건
- 답변채택률 : 0%
- 2006-07-15 10:49
Thanks for your reply and advice.
>I believe LG A/S center has no idea how they handle your computer if you have Korean language problem. And they are not willing to support too difficult problems unless your computer is under worldwide warrnty period.
>I belive you can get some help from the guy whose ID is "Computer A/S engineer" (컴퓨터A/S기사). He answered a lot difficult questions and problems from Koreans. Sorry, I dont have his phone number, so Contact him through his emial addresss k77is@hanmail.net.
>Good Luck!
>>I think I have a software problem with my LG computer running on a Korean operating system. I contacted LG A/S in Singapore, but they dont provide service for PCs. I can bring my PC to Sim Lim, but they wont be able to read and diagnose the error message. My question is - is there a service center person to call to solve such a problem?
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- [답변]
- [re] Lg computer...
- computer아찌 (bwithu)
- 답변 : 1건
- 답변채택률 : 0%
- 2006-07-15 12:07
You can contact us.
We serviced computer for Koreans and their company in Singapore for two and a half year.
We have very good reputation.
And we provide professional service for Koreans and Locals.
H.P. 97825214 Jay Kim (7days a week)
H.P. 91517544 Alvin (7days a week)
Office 67387371 (weekdays)
>I think I have a software problem with my LG computer running on a Korean operating system. I contacted LG A/S in Singapore, but they dont provide service for PCs. I can bring my PC to Sim Lim, but they wont be able to read and diagnose the error message. My question is - is there a service center person to call to solve such a problem?
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
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