- [질문]
- 미답변
- 기타
- Looking for guide in Singapore duration 5th Feb~17
- Kelvin (kelvin)
- 질문 : 1건
- 질문마감률 : 0%
- 2006-01-24 15:56
- 답글 : 0
- 댓글 : 0
Im suppose to trip to Sigapore for business from Korea from 5th Feb to 17th Feb.
Im looking for kind guide for Singapore who can speak English and Korean so I can learn it from her with interesting.
Of course Im willing to pay for it.
Normally I need a guide after working time and weekend (Sat.Sunday)
I love to play tennis and sightseeing.....
If you have interest with me, please dont hesitate to send mail back to me.
Im really gentle guy...
Here is my address;
꼭 필요한 질문, 정성스런 답변 부탁드립니다!
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