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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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  • [질문]
  • 미답변
  • 기타
  • 에이전트 비용 관련 Singapore Guide (콘도/HDB 매매 또는 렌트)
  • SingSingS (kisulh)
  • 질문 : 5건
  • 질문마감률 : 0%
  • 2010-11-20 21:22
  • 답글 : 0
  • 댓글 : 5
  • 2,018
  • 32
아래의 내용은 제 Local Agent로 부터 안내 받은 에이전트 비용 관련 Singapore Guide에 대한 내용입니다. 이곳 사이트에 매번 이와 관련된 질문이 반복되는 것 같아서 정보를 공유하니 매매 또는 렌트 관련 궁금하신 분들은 유용하게 활용하시기 바랍니다. (참고로 저는 Agent와는 무관하며, 싱가폴에서 콘도 매매 및 렌트를 할 때 아래의 내용을 유용하게 참고하였습니다. 아래의 내용에 대해 더 궁금하신 분은 별도로 연락 주시면 아는 범위 내에서 정보를 공유하도록 하겠습니다) 자주 질문하시는 내용 중, 아래의 내용에 대한 중요 부분들을 정리하면 다음과 같습니다. 콘도 매매의 경우는 1-2%내에서 매도자가 Commission을 부담하며, 사전 구두 또는 서면 약정으로 진행하되 매매가 Completion된 후 지급한다. 콘도 렌트의 경우는 1년 계약을 기준으로, 월 임대료가 2500불 이상이면, 집주인(Landlord)으로부터 1/2개월치의 렌트비를 받고, 2년 계약일 경우는 1개월치 임대료를 받아서 쌍방의 에이전트가 나누어 갖는다. 단, 2500불 또는 이하일 경우는, Landlord(집주인)/Tenant(세입자)이 각각의 Agent에 전체 Commission 금액(1년 계약 시 1/2개월, 2년 계약 시 1개월 Rent 금액)의 1/2씩을 지불한다. ===============================================================================      Singapore Real Estate Agents Commission This commission guide is for those who wish to engage the professional service of Singapore real estate agent to assist in selling, buying, renting, etc of Singapore properties. One should note that it is by no means rigid, standardised in all cases, and it depends on the service level provided by the agents. It is also subject to change from time to time depending on the market condition. or its representatives give no warranty, guarantee or other representation about the accuracy of the information and accept no liability for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on it. Private Properties Sales - Singapore Vendor : 1% - 2% of Sale Price (deduct from sale proceeds at completion of sale of property) Purchaser : Nil - 1% of Sale Price (as finding fee) (50% at point of placing deposit for purchase of property & remaining 50% at completion of sale documentation. No commission shall be collected by one agency from both vendor & purchaser in the same transaction without prior knowledge or written consent of the vendor & purchaser of property. Singapore HDB Resale Flats Vendor : 1% - 2% of Sale Price Purchaser : 1% of Sale Price (as service fee) 1. Commission payable at 1st appointment or completion date. 2. For Direct transaction by agent : agent collect commission from     both vendor and purchaser. 3. For Co-broke transaction : vendors agent collect commission  from vendor and Purchasers agent from purchaser. No commission shall be collected by one agency from both vendor & purchaser in the same transaction without prior knowledge or written consent of the vendor & purchaser of property. Private Properties Rental - Singapore Landlord : 1 months gross rental (1 months gross rental for lease between 12months to 24months, plus additional 1/2 month for every subsequent 12months lease. 1/2 months gross rental for lease less than 12months.) Tenant : 1/2 months gross rental (as service fee) (applicable for rental 2,500 & below per month) 1. Payment upon execution of tenancy agreement. 2. For Co-broke transaction ($2500 & below ) : landlords agent collect commission  from landlord and tenants agent from tenant. If rent is above $2500, landlords agent shall pay 1/2 to co-broking agent. No commission shall be collected by one agency from both landlord & tenant in the same transaction without prior knowledge or written consent of the landlord & tenant, if the gross rental is above $2500 per month. Singapore HDB Flat / Room Rental Landlord : 1 months gross rental (1 months gross rental for lease between 12months to 24months, plus additional 1/2 month for every subsequent 12months lease. 1/2 months gross rental for lease less than 12months.) Tenant : 1/2-1 months gross rental (as service fee) (1 months gross rental for lease between 12months to 24months, and 1/2 months gross rental for lease less than 12months.) 1. Payment upon execution of tenancy agreement. 2. For Co-broke transaction : landlords agent collect commission  from landlord and tenants agent from tenant. No commission shall be collected by one agency from both landlord & tenant in the same transaction without prior knowledge or written consent of the landlord & tenant. Assignment (all types of properties) Assignor : 10% of assignment consideration or 1 months gross rental, whichever is higher Assignee : 5% of assignment consideration or 1/2 months gross rental (as service fee) , whichever is higher 1. Payment upon completion of the assignment of property. 2. For Co-broke transaction : agents collect commission  from the respective clients. No commission shall be collected by one agency from both assignor & assignee in the same transaction without prior knowledge or written consent of the assignor & assignee of property. Management (all types of properties in Singapore) Individual Unit : 10% of a gross monthly rental or $100.00 per month, whichever is higher Management Corporation : by negotiation 1. Payment in advance upon receipt of rental from tenant, except management corporation, generally fee payable on accrued basis. 2. Claim disbursements from clients - for expenses incurred such as long distance calls, postage, stationery, transport cost, etc     

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