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  • orbitz에서 한국행티켓을 샀는데 결제를 아빠 신용카드로해서 그거에 대한 질문 ㅠㅠ!
  • 꺄꺄꺄 ()
  • 질문 : 1,963건
  • 질문마감률 : 0.1%
  • 2010-05-11 22:56
  • 답글 : 0
  • 댓글 : 4
  • 1,279
  • 8
안녕하세여 orbitz에서 한국가는티켓을 샀는데 결제를 아빠 신용카드로 했었거든요. 근데 메일이 왔는데, Subject: Orbitz Record Locator: AP11010OOUYO8M Discussion Thread Response (Travel Advisory)        04/12/2010 12:46 PM Hello, Thank you for choosing Orbitz as your preferred travel partner. We want to advise you china eastern requires that we have a form of identification for your electronic ticket, such as a passport, credit card or drivers license. At this time we used the credit card number that was used to book this ticket as the form of I.D. If this credit card is not in the name of one of the passengers and will not be present at check-in for all the flights, please call us at 1-888-656-4546, or (001) 312-416-0018 from outside of the US, with another form of identification weve listed above You will need to provide this form of I.D. as well as your passport for identification at check-in. Thank you once again for choosing Orbitz. Sincerely, Orbitz Ticket Advisory Department Orbitz.com 문제되나여ㅠㅠ? 신용카드 이름이 아빠이름이고 패신저이름은 제 이름이라면?     

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