- [질문]
- 답변진행중
- 기타
- 시설격리 moh 연락
- 싱싱유 (jeremyplus1)
- 질문 : 4건
- 질문마감률 : 25%
- 2020-11-30 00:14
- 답글 : 1
- 댓글 : 0
안녕하세요 어제 저녁에 입국해 시설 격리 중인데요 제가 현지번호가 없는데 whatsapp으로도 moh랑 연락 가능한가요? (Whatsapp은 싱가폴 번호로 등록)
또 다른분들 후기보니까 체온 측정도 해야하는거 같은데 어디에 보고해야하나요?
- [답변]
- Re: 시설격리 moh 연락
- levit1918 (levit1918)
- 답변 : 111건
- 답변채택률 : 20.72%
- 2020-12-01 11:15
아래는 시설 격리 시 MOM 의 가이드라인인데 혹시 참고하시기 바랍니다.
What pass holders (work pass holders and their dependants) must do during their SHN
Pass holders must:
- Remain in their SHN premises at all times.
- Carry their mobile phones with internet connection at all times. They must respond to MOM’s phone calls, WhatsApp video calls or SMSes within 1 hour.
- (Only for pass holders who are issued an electronic monitoring device at the checkpoint) Wear the device and charge it throughout the SHN.
- (Only for pass holders who are not issued an electronic monitoring device) Record their temperatures 3 times a day using the Homer mobile app.
- Not have any visitors, and minimise contact with others.
- Maintain a record of persons they come into close contact with.
- Act responsibly based on advisories issued by the Singapore Government.
- Take a COVID-19 test before their SHN is over, except for those who are 12 years old and below.
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
꼭 필요한 질문, 정성스런 답변 부탁드립니다!
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