한국촌 상단 로고

싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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  • 한국촌 (hankookchon)
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    4. 2013-02-04 13:42

페이지 정보


안녕하세요. 한국촌 입니다.


한국촌에서는 게시판을 통한 외환거래를 일절 금지하고 있음을 알려드립니다.

은행이나 정부의 승인을 받은 기관을 통하지 않은 외환거래는 불법이며, 한국과 싱가포르 정부에 의해 엄격히 단속 되고 있습니다특히 한국촌의 게시판들은 모든 분들께 열려있는 공간이며 많은 분들이 보시는 관계로 게시판을 통한 불법 외환 거래는 개인에게 불이익을 초래할 있으니 불법 외환거래를 삼가해 주시기 바랍니다더불어 근래 많은 분들이 피해를 당하셨던 환전사기 방지 차원에서 환전관련 질문 형식의 또한 제한하고 있으니 회원 여러분들의 양해와 협조 부탁드립니다.

환전이나 송금 관련된 문의가 종종 있어서 아래와 같이  환전/송금 FAQ 준비하였으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.

질문: 한국으로 송금시 송금수수료는?

답변: DBS은행 기준으로 S$10,000까지는 Handling Commission S$10 + Telex S$20 적용됩니다. S$10,000 이상 송금시에는 Handling Commission 송금액의 0.00125% 적용 + Telex S$20 적용됩니다. Handling Commission 최대 금액은 S$120까지 입니다.

) S$30,000 송금시 수수료 = Handling Commission S$37.50 + Telex S$20 (Total: S$57.50)

싱가폴 은행들은 환율이 좋지 않으므로 싱달러를 한국에서 환전 되도록 송금하는 것이 유리합니다.


질문: 한국-싱가포르 송금시 필요한 정보는?

답변: 아래는 한국에서 싱가포르 DBS은행으로 송금시 필요한 정보입니다.

은행명 : DBS

예금주 : 예금주명

계좌번호 : 은행 계좌번호

금액 : S$

은행코드: DBS SSG SG

은행주소: Shenton Way DBS Building Singapore 068809

질문: 국제 송금 수수료

한국 은행에서 싱가포르의 송금 수수료는 은행별로 차이가 있으며 아래는 한국 외환은행에서 싱가포르 외환은행 계좌로 송금할 경우의 수수료 입니다.

또한 한국 시티은행에서는 인터넷을 통한 해외송금의 경우 수수료 면제 환율우대 혜택을 제공하고 있으며 국제 현금카드를 발급 받아 이용하게 경우 ATM에서 현금 인출시 USD1 네트워크 수수료 0.2% 부가됩니다. 따라서 싱가포르 달러 5,000 송금해야 경우 한국에서 국제현금카드를 발급받아 왔다면 ATM기기를 이용하여 SGD11.50 정도의 저렴한 수수료 지불 현지 통화로 현금을 찾을 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 은행 사이트를 참고 하시기 바랍니다.

질문: 환전을 어디에서 하는 것이 유리한가요? 은행 or 환전소

답변: 싱가폴에서는 환전소의 환율이 좋습니다. 다만 환전소 마다 환율이 다소 차이가 있으므로 여러 곳의 환율을 비교해 환전하는 것이 좋습니다.


질문: 환율이 좋은 환전소 소개 바랍니다.

답변: 환율이 좋은 환전소는 보통 환전소들이 많이 모여있는 곳의 환전소가 환율이 좋은 편입니다. 추천드릴만한 곳으로 Raffles MRT 빠져나오시면 보실 있는 The Arcade라는 건물의 1층과 2층에 있는 20 여개의 환전소들입니다. The Arcade 건물의 환전소들은 은행가에 위치해 있고 이용하시는 분들도 많아서 다른 보다 환율이 좋은 편으로 알려져 있사오니 군데 비교하신 이용하시면 같습니다.


질문: 싱가폴달러를 어느 나라(싱가폴 or 한국)에서 환전하는 것이 유리합니까?

답변: 싱가폴이나 한국 모두 차이가 나지 않습니다. 다만 싱가폴에서 환전하실 때는 최대한 좋은 환율의 환전소에서 환전을 하는 것이 요령이고, 한국에서 환전하는 경우에는 주거래은행을 통해 좋은 환율을 받거나 은행에서 실시하고 있는 환전 수수료 할인이나 환율 할인 정보를 최대한 이용하는 방법이 있습니다

아래는 2011 318 기준 싱가폴 환전소(Raffles MRT 빠져나오면 보실 있는 The Arcade 환전소) 한국외환은행의 환율비교입니다.

<1,000 싱달러-한화로 교환시>

싱가폴 환전소 : 863,000

한국외환은행 : 862,340

은행으로송금시(싱가폴-한국) : 875,610 (송금수수료와 Telex S$30 + 한국에서 발생하는 수수료9,000)


* S$10,000 이상 송금시에는 Handling Commission 송금액의 0.00125% 적용 + Telex S$20 적용됩니다.

* 싱가폴 은행들은 환율이 좋지 않으므로 싱달러를 한국에서 환전 되도록 송금하는 것이 유리합니다.

* 공항에선 관리비용이 들기 때문에 일반 지점의 수수료에다 추가로 0.1&sim;1%포인트의 수수료를 물리고 있으므로 공항에서는 환전하지 않는 것이 유리합니다.

질문: 한국으로 거액 송금시 은행에 일정기간(3개월) 묵혀놓아야...

답변: 일반계좌는 그런 경우가 없으며, PR 이나 외국시민권자에게 발급하는 비거주자계정의 경우에는 제약을 받을 있다고 합니다.


질문: 금액을 가지고 한국 입국 휴대할 , 송금할 판단

(1) 싱가포르에서 원화 또는 싱가포르 달러를 휴대하여 한국으로 입국하는 방법

일단 미화 1 상당액을 초과한 금액을 휴대하여 입국하는 경우 항공기에서 배부하는 여행자 휴대품 수입신고서상 외화신고 부분에 체크하고 신고금액을 기재해야 합니다. 

세관직원이 소지한 외화 금액을 확인하고 외국환등록증(필증) 발급하게 됩니다. 법률적으로, 필증을 교부 받아야 해당 금액에 대해 국내에서 사용이 가능합니다.

경우 특별히 세금이라든지 문제가 없으며 금액이 아주 경우 해당 금액의 취득 원천에 대해 문의를 받거나 필요시 증빙서류를 요청할 있지만 해외에서 근로활동 수익 원천을 합리적으로 밝히실 있으면 전혀 문제가 되지 않습니다.

다만, 금액을 휴대하여 반입하는 경우 분실, 도난 등의 위험이 있어 안전한 방법은 아니라고 판단됩니다.

(1) 항목의 경우 관세청 담당입니다. 전화상담이 필요하시면 국번없이 125 입니다.

(2) 싱가포르에서 한국으로 송금하는 경우

1) 해외의 계좌에서 한국의 계좌로 송금되는 경우

외국거주자(내국인) 경우, 증여성 송금이 아니기 때문에 금액의 한도 없이 송금하실  있습니다.

2) 해외의 계좌에서 한국의 다른 사람 명의로 송금되는 경우

증여성 송금으로 판단돼 경우에 따라 증여세가 부과될 있습니다. (일반적으로 미화 5만불 이상, 과거에는 기준이 미화2만불이었습니다.)

3) 해외계좌에서 미화 1만불 초과 입금 은행에서 자동으로 국세청에 통보됩니다.

국세청에서는 특별히 주목할 만한 거래 내역에 대해서만 조사하고 필요시 송금액의 취득원천에 대한 자료를 요청합니다. 일반적 경우 연락이 오지 않으니 걱정 하셔도 됩니다.

(2) 관련사항은 한국은행 외환심사팀 또는 거래 은행의 지점 창구 직원에게 문의하시면 친절하게 상담해 줍니다.


질문: 싱달러 S$2,600 원화로 환전하려고 합니다. 은행송금 or 환전소환전 어떤 쪽이 유리 합니까 ?

답변 :싱달러 $2,600 원화로 환전시에는 환전소에서 환전하는 것이 406 유리하며, S$2,600 넘는 경우에는 은행을 통해서 송금하시는 것이 유리합니다.


(2012 5 3 기준)


은행 송금시 : 2,314,504 = S$2,600 x 송금환율(S$904.04) - 로컬은행송금수수료 S$30(27,000) - 국민은행타행발수수료(9,000)


환전소환전시 : 2,314,910 = S$2,600 x 환율(890.35)


로컬은행 수수료 은행타행발수수료는 은행마다 다소 차이가 있을 있습니다)


*최근 환전문의하시는 분들을 대상으로한 환전사기 사건이 종종 발생하고 있사오니 가급적 질문답변 게시판을 이용하지 마시고 아래의 한국은행의 한국직원들께 문의하시거나 메일( 문의 주시면 답변을 드리도록 하겠습니다.




신한은행 6536 1144 / 하나은행 6438 4100 /한국산업은행 6224 8188 /외환은행 6536 1633 /우리은행 6422 2000 /한국시티은행 1588 7000




POSB 1800-111-1111 /OCBC 1800-438-3333 /Standard Charterd 1800-747-7000 /UOB 1800-222-2121 /Citibank 1800-225-5225 /HSBC 1800-786-6666 

- 한국촌 -

::: 우리 따뜻한 한인 사회를 만들어 봐요! :::   

꼭 필요한 질문, 정성스런 답변 부탁드립니다!


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.



기타서쪽에 계시는 분들 요즘 렌트 시세 좀 알려주세요~

  • 답글 : 3
  • 댓글 : 0
아자아자(mhslifes) 2008-07-03
추천수 : 23 조회수 : 1,207

안녕하세요.. 서쪽으로 이사를 가려고 합니다.. 혹시.. parc vista, The may fair, lake shore사시는 분들 그 곳 시세나.. 혹 vacancy있으면.. 좀 알려주세요.. 그리고 좋은 agency 아시는 분 연락 좀 주세요.. Local…

  • A

    >안녕하세요.. 서쪽으로 이사를 가려고 합니다.. >혹시.. parc vista, The may fair, lake shore사시는 분들 >그 곳 시세나.. 혹 vacancy있으면.. 좀 알려주세요.. >그리고 좋은 agency 아시는 분 연락 좀 주세요.. >Local agency도 상관없습니다. >좋은 정보 부탁드립니다.. >감사합니다.. > To Rent - Parc Oasis (D22) Condominium Jurong East Avenue 1 Advertised by - call 97101339S$ 2,000 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Guilin View (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok Street 52 Advertised by - call 90065489S$ 2,000 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road Advertised by - call 93898708S$ 2,100 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Heights (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 Advertised by - call 97450700S$ 2,200 / month S$ 2.13 psf 1,033 sqft / 96 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Northvale (D23) Apartment Choa Chu Kang Loop Advertised by - call 94781953S$ 2,200 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillbrooks (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 94552402S$ 2,200 / month S$ 2.93 psf 750 sqft / 70 sqm Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Dairy Farm Estate (D23) Condominium Dairy Farm Road Expat Choice. 2BR. P/furn. Patio. Lushed in Greenery. Full condo facilities. F/furn also... Advertised by James Lew - call 93891999S$ 2,200 / month S$ 1.75 psf 1,260 sqft / 117 sqm 22Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road Advertised by - call 94781953S$ 2,300 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Guilin View (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok Street 52 Advertised by - call 82231569S$ 2,300 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Merawoods (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 91881466S$ 2,300 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Dairy Farm Estate (D23) Condominium Dairy Farm Road Unbeatable 2bdroom condo apartment at $2300 only! Its a steal!Lush greenery surroundings. Full... Advertised by Raelene Tan - call 97575284S$ 2,300 / month Price on Ask S$ 1.92 psf 1,200 sqft / 111 sqm 22Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 93800086S$ 2,400 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Cashew Heights Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road Advertised by - call 98969633S$ 2,400 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Northvale (D23) Apartment Choa Chu Kang Loop Advertised by - call 93868188S$ 2,400 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Hillview Heights (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Expat Choice. 2BR. Furnished. Balcony. Poolview. Spanish ambience. Short walking distance to... Advertised by James Lew - call 93891999S$ 2,400 / month S$ 2.40 psf 1,000 sqft / 93 sqm 22Listed on Jun 18, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road Advertised by - call 90992899S$ 2,500 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road all races furn ac facilities LRT/interchages/mrt immed Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 2,500 / month S$ 3.06 psf 818 sqft / 76 sqm 22Listed on Jun 16, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Regent Heights (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 Advertised by Carol Wong - call 93366439S$ 2,500 / month S$ 2.50 psf 1,000 sqft / 93 sqm 22Listed on Jun 28, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Heights (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 Advertised by - call 97450700S$ 2,500 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Parc Vista (D22) Condominium Corporation Road Advertised by S S Lee - call 98559138S$ 2,500 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Parkview Apartments (D23) Apartment Bukit Batok Street 25 Advertised by Carol Wong - call 93366439S$ 2,500 / month S$ 2.50 psf 1,000 sqft / 93 sqm 22Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Cashew Heights Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road 2rooms furn or unfurn immed all races welcome! p call 9026 3306 now for appt!!! Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 2,500 / month S$ 2.08 psf 1,200 sqft / 111 sqm 22Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Northvale (D23) Apartment Choa Chu Kang Loop dist 25..mid flr. suits expats/couples.near mrt/amenities. Must View...Dun Miss!!$$neg Advertised by Irene Leong - call 94554006S$ 2,500 / month View to Offer S$ 3.47 psf 721 sqft / 67 sqm 12Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Northvale (D23) Apartment Choa Chu Kang Loop Advertised by Daniel Go - call 91728817S$ 2,500 / month S$ 2.31 psf 1,080 sqft / 100 sqm 22Listed on Jun 13, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Northvale (D23) Apartment Choa Chu Kang Loop Advertised by - call 98585598S$ 2,500 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Northvale (D23) Apartment Choa Chu Kang Loop Advertised by - call 91881466S$ 2,500 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Grove (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 7 Full furnished. Clean & Well kept. Unblocked & Breezy. Less than 5 mins walk to Yew Tee MRT,... Advertised by KF Fung - call 98361496S$ 2,500 / month Guide Price S$ 2.70 psf 926 sqft / 86 sqm 22Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by - call 81398137S$ 2,500 / month S$ 1.80 psf 1,388 sqft / 129 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillington Green (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 94781953S$ 2,500 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Glendale Park (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue 2BR. Fully furnished. Open view, greenery. Resort living with the convenience. Immediate.... Advertised by James Lew - call 93891999S$ 2,500 / month S$ 2.63 psf 950 sqft / 88 sqm 23Listed on Jun 4, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Dairy Farm Estate (D23) Condominium Dairy Farm Road Advertised by - call 97832717S$ 2,500 / month S$ 1.99 psf 1,257 sqft / 117 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Park View Mansion (D22) Apartment Yuan Ching Road partial furnished nice fully renovated full ac 24June ok all friends welcome!!! pl... Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 2,500 / month View to Offer S$ 2.58 psf 969 sqft / 90 sqm 2Listed on Jun 19, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Cashew Park Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road Advertised by - call 93878442S$ 2,500 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Century Mansions (D23) Apartment Jalan Remaja Advertised by - call 96224059S$ 2,500 / month S$ 2.47 psf 1,012 sqft / 94 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Northvale Condo (D23) Condominium NorthVale Condo! Studio At Choa Chu Kang! NorthVale Condo! Studio At Choa Chu Kang! -1 Mins To Chao Chu Kang MRT -1 Mins To Lot1... Advertised by Rave Zhang - call 82689861S$ 2,500 / month Negotiable S$ 3.47 psf 721 sqft / 67 sqm 11Listed on Jun 6, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Heights (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 Advertised by - call 98715769S$ 2,600 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Cashew Heights Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road Advertised by - call 83790513S$ 2,600 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Summerdale (D22) Condominium Boon Lay Drive Advertised by - call 92281711S$ 2,600 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Palm Gardens (D23) Condominium Hong San Walk Opposite LRT, near Choa Chu Kang Mrt,Lot 1 shopping mall. Advertised by Simon Siew - call 98800807S$ 2,600 / month S$ 2.36 psf 1,100 sqft / 102 sqm 32Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Palm Gardens (D23) Condominium Hong San Walk Advertised by Irene Leong - call 94554006S$ 2,600 / month View to Offer S$ 2.16 psf 1,206 sqft / 112 sqm 3Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by - call 97554787S$ 2,600 / month S$ 1.87 psf 1,389 sqft / 129 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Linear (D23) Apartment Upper Bukit Timah Road Advertised by - call 93834342S$ 2,600 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Glendale Park (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 93676601S$ 2,600 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Dairy Farm Estate (D23) Condominium Dairy Farm Road 2 Bedroom unit with split level living and dining areas. Bar counter. 2 Balconies. High floor,... Advertised by Tina Lam - call 92729579S$ 2,600 / month S$ 1.73 psf 1,503 sqft / 140 sqm 2Listed on Jun 17, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Amston (D23) Apartment Hillview Ave Advertised by - call 91881466S$ 2,600 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Amston (D23) Apartment Hillview Ave Advertised by - call 93898708S$ 2,600 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILS     

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    Premium Listing To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road 3+1. Mayspring (BUKIT PANJANG ESTATE) Well maintained house. High Floor. View photos. Immediate.... Advertised by Rental Xpress Mr Shy - call 90619977S$ 2,688 / month Price on Ask S$ 2.07 psf 1,300 sqft / 121 sqm 32Listed on Jun 8, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 94523133S$ 2,700 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 94781953S$ 2,700 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road Advertised by King Lin Cheong - call 91893251S$ 2,700 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Northvale (D23) Apartment Choa Chu Kang Loop 3 mins walk to Choa Chu kang MRT, Lot One shopping mall, bus interchange, banks, clinics, etc.... Advertised by James Low - call 81183012S$ 2,700 / month Guide Price S$ 2.61 psf 1,033 sqft / 96 sqm 22Listed on Jul 2, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Palm Gardens (D23) Condominium Hong San Walk Advertised by - call 90992899S$ 2,700 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by Carol Wong - call 93366439S$ 2,700 / month S$ 2.08 psf 1,300 sqft / 121 sqm 32Listed on Jun 28, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by Alfred Ng - call 96653102S$ 2,700 / month S$ 1.93 psf 1,399 sqft / 130 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by - call 97481068S$ 2,700 / month S$ 1.96 psf 1,378 sqft / 128 sqm Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Chestervale (D23) Condominium Bangkit Road Advertised by - call 91871600S$ 2,700 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Amston (D23) Apartment Hillview Ave Advertised by - call 93898708S$ 2,700 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Regent Heights (D23) Condominium avail end Jun,f/furnish or w/o furnish.near amenties. Advertised by Eunice Ong - call 91875378S$ 2,700 / month Guide Price 2Listed on Jun 21, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Quintet (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Street Advertised by - call 91066101S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 93839135S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 93800086S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by Carol Wong - call 93366439S$ 2,800 / month S$ 2.15 psf 1,300 sqft / 121 sqm 32Listed on Jun 28, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 91066101S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 94781953S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 91097160S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road Maysprings Condo For Rent Location: Petir Rd Rental: $2800 Nett. 3 Bedrooms,... Advertised by Henry Ong - call 98423121S$ 2,800 / month Price on Ask 3Listed on Jun 6, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road Fully furnished air con unit. Available immediate. Advertised by Carol Wong - call 93366439S$ 2,800 / month S$ 2.33 psf 1,200 sqft / 111 sqm 32Listed on Jun 7, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Grove (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 7 Advertised by - call 94384988S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by - call 92772000S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by - call 94523133S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Hillview Heights (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by Carol Wong - call 93366439S$ 2,800 / month S$ 2.24 psf 1,250 sqft / 116 sqm 32Listed on Jun 28, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillview Heights (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 96777290S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillview Heights (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 92771048S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Windermere (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Street 64 Advertised by - call 98538964S$ 2,800 / month S$ 1.93 psf 1,453 sqft / 135 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Linear (D23) Apartment Upper Bukit Timah Road Advertised by - call 81379763S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Linear (D23) Apartment Upper Bukit Timah Road Advertised by - call 90032394S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillbrooks (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 92281711S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Dairy Farm Estate (D23) Condominium Dairy Farm Road Advertised by - call 90605181S$ 2,800 / month S$ 2.33 psf 1,200 sqft / 111 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Dairy Farm Estate (D23) Condominium Dairy Farm Road Advertised by - call 90282185S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Chantilly Rise (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Beautiful 3+1, nicely renovated, Pool, Gym, Tennis and resort-style condo. Near MRT, Buses,... Advertised by Patrick Seah - call 91377705S$ 2,800 / month View to Offer S$ 2.00 psf 1,400 sqft / 130 sqm 33Listed on Jun 19, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Hillview 128 (D23) Apartment Hillview Avenue Advertised by Carol Wong - call 93366439S$ 2,800 / month S$ 2.19 psf 1,280 sqft / 119 sqm 32Listed on Jul 3, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillview Residence (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by Lester Ng - call 91005000S$ 2,800 / month S$ 2.15 psf 1,300 sqft / 121 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Cashew Park Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road Advertised by - call 93878442S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Century Mansions (D23) Apartment Jalan Remaja Advertised by - call 96559425S$ 2,800 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Ivory Heights (D22) Condominium Jurong East Street 13 5mins walk to jurong east MRT/ entertainment centre and interchange. Blk 124 well kept unit, bare... Advertised by Paul Ng (Hp : +65 94502692) - call 94502692S$ 2,850 / month Guide Price S$ 1.68 psf 1,700 sqft / 158 sqm 32Listed on Jun 26, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillview 128 (D23) Apartment Hillview Avenue Advertised by Shirley Tan - call 98572208S$ 2,850 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Mins to Yew Tee MRT, supermaket, food court, shopping malls, banks, clinics, etc. Unblocked view.... Advertised by James Low - call 81183012S$ 2,900 / month Negotiable S$ 2.24 psf 1,292 sqft / 120 sqm 32Listed on Jul 2, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Cashew Heights Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road 3 bedrooms partial furnished (80% FURN) newly painted face pool family/ professional/ company... Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 2,900 / month Negotiable S$ 1.76 psf 1,649 sqft / 153 sqm 32Listed on Jun 22, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Ivory Heights (D22) Condominium Jurong East Street 13 1ST UNIT)FURNISHED AC NICE SPACIOUS FACE CHINESE GARDEN FAMILY PREFERED/ COMPANY 2YRS... Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 2,900 / month S$ 1.71 psf 1,700 sqft / 158 sqm 33Listed on Jun 22, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Chestervale (D23) Condominium Bangkit Road Advertised by - call 96868708S$ 2,900 / month S$ 2.06 psf 1,410 sqft / 131 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Linear (D23) Apartment Upper Bukit Timah Road Advertised by - call 90032394S$ 2,900 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Linear (D23) Apartment Upper Bukit Timah Road Advertised by - call 81379763S$ 2,900 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Glendale Park (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 91847707S$ 2,900 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - The Quintet (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Street Near Yew Tee MRT Station/Food Court/NTUC Fair Price, 1260 SQFT, 3+1 Rooms, High Floor (11th... Advertised by Edwin Soh - call 92742087S$ 3,000 / month Negotiable S$ 2.38 psf 1,260 sqft / 117 sqm 33Listed on Jun 8, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Quintet (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Street Advertised by - call 98768887S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.31 psf 1,300 sqft / 121 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Lakeholmz (D22) Condominium Corporation Road 2RM : $3k 3RM : $3.9k - $4.5k 4RM : $4.3k - $5k Living and dining Room: Marble flooring, Bed... Advertised by Rental Xpress Mr Shy - call 90619977S$ 3,000 / month Guide Price S$ 3.00 psf 1,000 sqft / 93 sqm 22Listed on Jul 2, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST     

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    To Rent - The Floravale (D22) Condominium Westwood Avenue Advertised by - call 96684696S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - The Floravale (D22) Condominium Westwood Avenue All races. Immediate.(free shutter bus every 15 min to Boon Lay MRT) pls call 9721-5134. Advertised by Rental Xpress Mr Shy - call 90619977S$ 3,000 / month Guide Price S$ 2.14 psf 1,400 sqft / 130 sqm 32Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Maysprings (D23) Apartment Petir Road Advertised by - call 90252169S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.14 psf 1,400 sqft / 130 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Parc Vista (D22) Condominium Corporation Road Advertised by - call 90682259S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Cashew Heights Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road 3bedrooms furn/ unfurnished immed pl call 90263306 now for appt!! Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.00 psf 1,500 sqft / 139 sqm 33Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Cashew Heights Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road Advertised by - call 97688881S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.42 psf 1,238 sqft / 115 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Cashew Heights Condo (D23) Condominium Cashew Road Advertised by - call 90282185S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.00 psf 1,500 sqft / 139 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Summerdale (D22) Condominium Boon Lay Drive Advertised by - call 92281711S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Summerdale (D22) Condominium Boon Lay Drive Advertised by - call 81232313S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.36 psf 1,270 sqft / 118 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Grove (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 7 CONDO RENTAL - GOOD AND CHEAP RENT. 3+1 WHOLE UNIT FOR RENT IN REGENT GROVE CONDO AT CCK. 3 MINS... Advertised by jaya kala - call 98500976S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.43 psf 1,234 sqft / 115 sqm 3Listed on Jun 25, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Grove (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 7 Advertised by - call 81883435S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Grove (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 7 Advertised by - call 82222788S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Grove (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 7 Advertised by - call 91066101S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Regent Grove (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 7 Advertised by - call 91097160S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Palm Gardens (D23) Condominium Hong San Walk Palm Gardents at Choa Chu Kang - High Floor Pool Facing, Good Condition 3+1 Unit Call Joyce 65... Advertised by Joyce Tan - call 91508743S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.47 psf 1,216 sqft / 113 sqm 3Listed on Jul 2, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Palm Gardens (D23) Condominium Hong San Walk Advertised by - call 90605181S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.09 psf 1,432 sqft / 133 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Palm Gardens (D23) Condominium Hong San Walk Advertised by - call 98585598S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Guilin View (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok Street 52 Advertised by - call 94523133S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by - call 90614566S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.25 psf 1,335 sqft / 124 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillington Green (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 92746735S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillington Green (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 94384988S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Ivory Heights (D22) Condominium Jurong East Street 13 Advertised by - call 98694363S$ 3,000 / month S$ 1.50 psf 2,000 sqft / 186 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillview Heights (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 96777290S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.36 psf 1,270 sqft / 118 sqm Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Hillview Heights (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Hillview Heights Off Upper Bukit Timah – Cheap Pool Facing High Floor 3+1 Call Joyce 65 9150... Advertised by Joyce Tan - call 91508743S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.50 psf 1,200 sqft / 111 sqm 3Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillview Heights (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 91847707S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Linear (D23) Apartment Upper Bukit Timah Road Advertised by - call 97832717S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Linear (D23) Apartment Upper Bukit Timah Road Advertised by - call 98780077S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.40 psf 1,250 sqft / 116 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillbrooks (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 94523133S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hillbrooks (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 90610030S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.50 psf 1,200 sqft / 111 sqm Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Montrosa (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 94236816S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Dairy Farm Estate (D23) Condominium Dairy Farm Road Advertised by - call 98367723S$ 3,000 / month S$ 2.50 psf 1,200 sqft / 111 sqm Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Lakeside Tower (D22) Apartment Yuan Ching Road Advertised by - call 81000660S$ 3,000 / month S$ 1.58 psf 1,900 sqft / 177 sqm Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Amston (D23) Apartment Hillview Ave Advertised by - call 90682259S$ 3,000 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Yew Mei Green (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang North 6 Advertised by - call 93800086S$ 3,100 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - The Mayfair (D22) Condominium Jurong East Street 32 furn/nice/ immed mrt Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 3,100 / month Negotiable S$ 3.26 psf 950 sqft / 88 sqm 22Listed on Jul 3, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Regent Heights (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 Regent Heights Near Bt Batok MRT Station – 3+1 Unit with Panoramic View Call Joyce 65 9150... Advertised by Joyce Tan - call 91508743S$ 3,100 / month S$ 2.64 psf 1,173 sqft / 109 sqm 3Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Ivory Heights (D22) Condominium Jurong East Street 13 high floor huge & spacious jurong east mrt fam/ students/ proff simple & good end july... Advertised by alister alister - call 90263306S$ 3,100 / month Negotiable S$ 1.82 psf 1,700 sqft / 158 sqm 33Listed on Jul 4, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Parc Vista (D22) Condominium Corporation Road Advertised by - call 90674093S$ 3,200 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Warren (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Loop 3 bedroom patio ground unit, unfurnished, Pool view, immediate. Price neg. Pls contact me via... Advertised by Corinne Chuan - call 90605482S$ 3,200 / month Price on Ask 3Listed on Jun 18, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - The Warren (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Loop Beautiful garden and pool view,newly painted, ground floor unit.Very near to LOT 1 and MRT.... Advertised by Adeline Yip - call 98279728S$ 3,200 / month Negotiable S$ 2.44 psf 1,313 sqft / 122 sqm 33Listed on Jun 20, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Summerdale (D22) Condominium Boon Lay Drive Advertised by - call 93989590S$ 3,200 / month Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - The Petals (D23) Condominium Hillview Avenue Advertised by - call 91006699S$ 3,200 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Palm Gardens (D23) Condominium Hong San Walk Advertised by - call 91006699S$ 3,200 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Guilin View (D23) Condominium Bukit Batok Street 52 Advertised by Amy Ng - call 94509683S$ 3,200 / month S$ 2.54 psf 1,259 sqft / 117 sqm Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by - call 98560661S$ 3,200 / month S$ 2.00 psf 1,600 sqft / 149 sqm Listed on Jun 30, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Hazel Park Condo (D23) Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Advertised by King Lin Cheong - call 91893251S$ 3,200 / month Listed on Jun 23, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Ivory Heights (D22) Condominium Jurong East Street 13 Walk to Jurong East MRT! / Ivory Heights / 3+1 / 1,700sqft - Huge!! / Available immediate /... Advertised by LYNN TEO - call 91000-676S$ 3,200 / month Price on Ask S$ 1.88 psf 1,700 sqft / 158 sqm 32Listed on Jun 26, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Windermere (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Street 64 Near Yew Tee MRT Station/Food Court/NTUC Fair Price, 3+1 Rooms, High Floor, Fully Furnished,... Advertised by Edwin Soh - call 92742087S$ 3,200 / month Negotiable S$ 2.50 psf 1,281 sqft / 119 sqm 33Listed on Jun 9, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST To Rent - Windermere (D23) Condominium Choa Chu Kang Street 64 Advertised by - call 98487335S$ 3,200 / month Listed on Jun 10, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST Premium Listing To Rent - Parc Oasis (D22) Condominium Jurong East Avenue 1 Good Landlord Seeking Good Tenant. Single/Small Family or Professional Preferred. Immediate. Advertised by Rental Xpress Mr Shy - call 90619977S$ 3,300 / month Negotiable S$ 3.07 psf 1,076 sqft / 100 sqm 22Listed on Jun 29, 2008 VIEW DETAILSSHORTLIST     

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