- [질문]
- 답변진행중
- 기타
- Recieving money from Korea
- Pretty Woman (ikjeong73)
- 질문 : 1건
- 질문마감률 : 0%
- 2003-09-01 23:43
- 답글 : 1
- 댓글 : 0
Sorry I cannot type Korean.
Id like to know whether I can recieve money into my DBS account when my sister send me thru Korea Exchange bank.
If anybody has experience, please let me know.
Pretty Woman
- [답변]
- [re] Recieving money from Korea
- 정찬희 (chanhee55)
- 답변 : 2건
- 답변채택률 : 0%
- 2003-09-02 16:11
You can transfer money from Korea as shown below
1)go to any korean bank in korea and request overseas money transfer
2)in the form given writing a)DBS BANK BRANCH name and adress
b)account no
c)account name (name as shown in your bank account
Young Suk Kim OR Kim Young suk)
that is the procedure you can send out money to your account here in SINGAPORE
>Sorry I cannot type Korean.
>Id like to know whether I can recieve money into my DBS account when my sister send me thru Korea Exchange bank.
>If anybody has experience, please let me know.
>Pretty Woman
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