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- dnfls (woorin2)
- 질문 : 12건
- 질문마감률 : 0%
- 2009-03-07 00:51
- 답글 : 0
- 댓글 : 5
아래글을 영어로 바꿔주세요
영어가 미숙한 제가 준희의 마음을 선생님께 잘 전달 할수 있을지 걱정스러운 마음으로 이 글을 씁니다. 얼마전 집에 와서 보니 준희 책가방 안에 장난감 미니차가 놓여있었습니다. 그날 친구가 잃어버려서 한참 찾던 것이 왜 자기 책가방 안에 있는지 모르겠다고 했었습니다. 그리고 다음날 선생님께 갖다 준다고 했었습니다. 그래서 선생님 책상 위에 올려 놓았다고 하는데 준희가 오해를 받고 있는것 같아 너무 마음이 아프네요. 준희는 말도 못하고 무척 속상해 합니다.준희는 절대로 남의 물건을 탐내는 아이가 아닙니다. 선생님 제발 준희에 대한 오해는 없길 바랍니다.영어 표현이 서툴러 이해하셨는지 걱정입니다.
꼭 필요한 질문, 정성스런 답변 부탁드립니다!
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싱싱싱님의 댓글
싱싱싱 (jskim)I'm writing to let you(teacher) know about Junhee's attitude with my worrying that how to let you to make sense even my English not good. One day, when i have reached at home i found his bag has contained a toy car. He said that he doesn't understand why the toy car inside his bag. He is supposed to return back it to you the next day. i'm so sad about that he got a suspectible even after return back it on your table. He is so upset without comment about it. He is not that kind of person that who is taking things into his pocket. Please don't get miss understand about him. I worry on my writing whether it makes you understand. Thank you for reading. 아이가 오해 받고 있어서 걱정이 많으시겠습니다. 도움이 되셨으면 합니다.
나을님의 댓글
나을 (kwakishk)I am writing to you with hope that you would understand Junhui's situation with my poor english. Several days ago I found out the fact that a mini toy car was in his school bag at home which was reported lost by a freind in his school.He had no idea on how he did get in this situation.Nevertheless, he promised to return it to you the next day and confirmed that he put it on your desk. However, I am worring about his situation leading to misunderstanding.He is so depressed for his situation with no way to solve it.He is not that kind of child who takes away what belongs to others.I am really hoping that you don't misunderstand him and sorry for poor english skills.
나을님의 댓글
나을 (kwakishk)제나름대로 썼는데, 필요한 부분을 발췌해서 쓰세요.
win님의 댓글
win (zrsorazr)안타깝습니다. 싱싱싱, 나을분들 제가 더 감사하고 싶네요
dnfls님의 댓글
dnfls (woorin2)감사 합니다.....