- 미코노스 메디컬 (imgjun)
- 2017-07-02 12:10
직종 | 재무/회계 | 경력유무 | 경력 |
회사명 | Mykonos Medical Pte Ltd | 연락처 | 94513523 |
이메일 | admin@mykonosmed.com | 주소 | 11 Collyer Quay |
연봉 | 추후협의 | 학력 | 무관 |
경력(년) | 3년이상 | 첨부파일 | |
내용 | Newly Formed Medical Startup in Singapore. Advanced Medical Care Management and Bring Healthcare Individual management toward next level. Mykonos Medical founded as leading medical and dental technical company with global presences. Based in Singapore, enlarges its locations and services over Asia Pacific regions. Efficiency and devotion in mind, greater quality of services is main value among the company's many visions. Bringing better healthcare practice and higher quality of service with advanced medical technologies, Mykonos Medical will pursue seamless effort on greater access to the health endlessly.
부문 : 경리/회계
근무시간 : 월~금 (9:30~5:30) , 토 (9:30~11:30/재택근무) Midview City, Ang Mo Kio (프로젝트 사무실) - 11월까지 조건 : PR 또는 Citizenship 이상 ONLY
이력서는 admin@mykonosmed.com 으로 보내주시고, 많은 응모 바랍니다. 감사합니다. |
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