직종 | 영업/마케팅 | 경력유무 | 무관 |
회사명 | Company "B" | 연락처 | 83050690 |
이메일 | pkh10000@gmail.com | 주소 | 6 Marina Blvd |
연봉 | 협의 | 학력 | 무관 |
경력(년) | 무관 | 첨부파일 | |
내용 | 안녕하세요. korean fluent speaker를 찾아서 포스트 해봅니다. 영어가 약해도 되니 싱가폴 취업을 꿈꾸시거나 직업을 바꾸길 원하는 분들은 주저말구 연락주세요. 좋은 기회입니다. 그리구 저 에이전트 아닙니다 ㅎㅎ 텔러마케터에 도전하실분 환영합니다. 성격이 밝고 세일즈에 자신잇으신분 이면 좋겟습니다. It was really nice talking to you the other day. As I mentioned, we are looking for Korean sales people in Singapore. Please help us find people. JOB DESCRIPTION. An online sales and marketing company in Singapore is in search of native Korean speakers for over the phone sales and customer service positions. Attractive base salary and commissions. Job activities include: - online and phone telemarketing - selling our product and membership offers to potential customers over the phone and via email - follow ups via email and phone - customer service - translation help in Korean when needed - assistance with online marketing Qualifications ideal candidate must possess: - native Korean, speaking understanding, reading and writing - basic computer skills: excel, word, Internet skills - ambitious and sales driven - dedication - must be able to legally work in Singapore All interested applicants kindly email your CV to pkh10000@gmail.com Please mention in the email subject 'for LB position' Thank you and Best Regards, |
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