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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



채용완료 싱가폴 로컬 플랜트 시공회사 채용공고 안내(Mechanical Site Manager)

  • 달님 (moons)
    1. 1,015
    2. 4
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    4. 2011-03-21 09:36
직종 기타 경력유무
회사명 연락처
이메일 주소
연봉 학력
경력(년) 첨부파일
내용 2011년 상반기 한국 경력사원 채용공고 안내 (D&Y ALLIED ENGINEERING PTE LTD) 가.모집내용    1.모집분야: 플랜트시공    2.모집직책:  Mechanical Site Manager    3.모집인원:  0명    4.고용형태: 정규직 나.응시자격요건    1.경력사원       a) Determine the safety, health and environmental hazards associated with the           scope of work, and compile the inventory of these hazards.       b)  Make pre planning, organize work force in accordance to work schedule.       c)  If required, prepare the Project Execution Plan - including the appropriate           (safety, health and environmental) action plan and emergency response            plan for the site office – and HSE plan..       d)  Oversee the operations at the site and responsible for Budget and            Productivity control.       e)  Involve in Management Review.        f)  Where applicable, ensure that the project activities are carried out according             to  the  Project Execution Plan and HSE plan.       g)  Ensure that project activities are carried out according to the relevant             standard operating procedures / plans.        h)  Investigate and analyze HSE related problems and direct the             implementation of corrective action.        i)  Organization of local resources such as labor, materials, equipment and            others.        j) Plan for the staffing requirements and recruitment of new employees.        k) Establish and implement procedures to ensure efficient and smooth running            of the site.        l)  Diploma or Degree in relevant trade  Mechanical Engineering more than 10            years of Fabrication Erection and Testing of SMP Projects            (STEEL STRUCTURE,MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND PIPING WORKS)            experience       m)  5 years related experience in managing a site in SMP works       n)  Familiar with the relevant welding code and their interpretation       o)  Familiar with the arrangement for qualification of Fitter, welder and other            skilled labour require for site management       p) Management ability comprising various disciplines    2.지원자격      - 전공계열: 공학계열      - 어학(외국어):  Basic English Speaking/ Writing      - 컴퓨터 활용능력: Basic skill of MS OFFICE 다. 근무환경     1. 근무지역: 필리핀 현장 (필리핀 프로젝트 후, 싱가포르(본사), 태국, 말레이시아, 인                      도네시아, 베트남 등 파견)     2. 급여조건: 협의 후 결정 (이력서에 Current Salary, Expected Salary & Time                        Required to Join) 기재 요망     3. 복리후생        - 휴무형태: 회사내규 (Company Regulation)        - 생활편의지원: 기숙사 (Accommodation) 제공 라. 접수방법: 온라인 접수 ( ) 마.제출서류: 이력서(한글, 영문) 바.접수기간: 2011년 4월 11일 월요일 17:00까지 사.문의처:    1.D&Y Allied Engineering Pte, LTD (SINGAPORE)  인사기획팀 (한국인력 담당):         정인석 부장 (Daniel Jung), Tel: 65) 6316-9398, Mob: 65) 9451-9324                                                E-mail:         최무욱 대리 (Mook) Tel: 65) 6316-9398, Mob: 65) 8300-5852                                             E-mail: 아. 당사 Website:


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