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  • gnltkfkd (gnltkfkd)
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    4. 2013-11-19


(WBC) 11월 20일 모임 공지입니다.

*일시:11월 20일10:30 am

*장소:TCC @ wisma Atria

*책 : “[Outliers :The Story of Success.”] -Gladwell, Malcolm.

*읽을 분량: Chapter 6- Chapter 7입니다.

[chapter3-5: Words]
1.stake: noun
money risked [countable] money that you risk as the result of a horse race, card game etc:

“At stake is a million dollars.”

to invent music, words, a statement etc from your
imagination, rather than planning or preparing it first

“Keeping warm, smothering fire, tying to trees and sleeping in (as a hammock), improvised stretcher.”

if something is amiss, there is a problem=wrong

“Blackett, luckily, found out that something was amiss”

4. Entitlement:noun
the official right to have or do something, or the amount that you have a right to receive:

1)“In Lareau’s words, the middle-class children learn a sense of “entitlement.”

2)“I’m not ten.” That’s entitlement: his mother permits that casual incivility because she wants him to learn to assert himself with people in positions of authority.”

3)“Alex Williams is better off than Katie Brindle because he’s wealthier and because he goes to a better school, but also because—and perhaps this is even more critical—the sense of entitlement that he has been taught is an attitude perfectly suited to succeeding in the modern world.”

4)“He didn’t learn entitlement.”

a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison or to leave prison, if they behave well and see a probation officer regularly, for a particular period of time:

“After protracted negotiations, it was agreed that Robert would be put on probation and have regular sessions with a prominent Harley Street psychiatrist in Lon-don."

6. fall by the wayside :
to fail, or to stop being done, used, or made:
“The old aversion to lawsuits fell by the wayside.”

[Discussion Questions]
1. What is the “culture of honor” that takes place throughout the Appalachian Mountains?

2.  The 6 chapter speaks of cultural legacies.  What similarities do you see between your parents and you, your grandparents and you, etc?  What is the significance of these?

3.  When have you found yourself in a complicated situation where communication was the key to your own success?

4.The willingness to change is crucial in the restructuring of Korean Air.  How does Gladwell describe this, and how does this compare to a time when you made a change in your own life?  What effect has this change had on your current situation, and was this change internal or external?


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