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  • 독서동호회
  • (SBC)11월 8일 (금) 공지

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  • 7sky (a7sky)
    1. 164
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    4. 2013-11-04



이번주부터 새로운 책을 시작합니다. 제목은 The Last Lecture라는 책으로 췌장암 말기에 있는 미국의 카네기 멀론 대학의 교수인  Randy Paush가 죽임을 준비하며 책으로 쓴것입니다. Youtube에 The Last Lecutre라고 검색을 하면 그의 마지막 강의도 있습니다. 이번주에 새로 시작하며 3주에 걸쳐 끝내도록 하겠습니다.  
이번주 모임은 다음과 같습니다.

일시: 11월 8일 (금) 10:30분
장소: 위스마 아트리아 1층의 TCC
책: The Last Lecture, P72까지, 첨부된 토론주제를 프린트해서 생각거리를 준비합니다.

1. How did you feel about Jais unhappiness over Pauschs decision to give a last lecture—her concern that its preparation would divert precious time away from his children? Did you find yourself sympathisizing or disagreeing with her? How would you have reacted as his wife?

2. Discuss Pauschs statement that "its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way ... the dreams will come to you."

• Do you think hes right? Might the reverse be true—that only by working toward (and achieving) your dreams can you "lead your life the right way"?

• Randy remembers his childhood dreams with clarity. Do you remember your childhood dreams—are they as vivid as his? And how important is it to hold onto your childhood dreams—might not they change over time?

3. Does The Last Lecture make you rethink your own priorities —what you want out of life, your work, your friendships, your marriage? Does it make you re-evaluate—or confirm—the things you thought were important?

4. If you had only 6 months to live (and adequate financial means), how would you spend the time left to you? Would you continue to work? Travel? Spend time with family and friends? Would you make changes in your day-to-day life or continue the life youre living now?

5. Pausch said he gave his lecture (not knowing it would attain such worldlwide acclaim) so his children would have some memory or knowledge of their father. If you were faced with 6 months to live, how would you go about creating lasting memories? Is that an important concern—or is it self-serving or self-indulgent?

6. Why is it that The Last Lecture has struck such a chord with people? Co-writer Zaslow says (in Background above) that "its because were all dying," and that Randys fate is ours. Do you agree? Are there any other reasons?

7. What passages in particular resonated with you? Which struck you—personally—as most profound or meaningful for your own life?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)


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