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  • gnltkfkd (gnltkfkd)
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    4. 2013-11-04


*일시:11월 6일10:30 am

*장소:TCC @ wisma Atria
The curieous incident of the dog in the night-time ((by Mark Hadden)
[ch 211-끝: Words]
1. [threatening]:
if someone’s behaviour is threatening, you believe they intend to harm you.
-“I’m getting phone calls from your father threatening to take me to court.”

a long narrow hole in a surface, that you can put something into.
-“I put my ticket into the slot and it sucked it in and it came out on the other side of the gate.”

3.[mad as a hatter]:=(as) mad as a hatter《속어》 아주 미쳐서; 몹시 화내어
“Mad as a fucking hatter. Jesus,”

4.[catch ones death]:《구어》 독한 감기에 걸리다.
“And Mother said, “Go on or you’ll catch your death,” but I didn’t know what you’ll catch your death meant, and I went inside.”

5. [sort out]:
to deal with problems or a confused situation and make it better, especially by organizing things.
-“Otherwise, you’re going to have to sort this out between yourselves.”

6.[compassionate Leave]:
special permission to have time away from work because one of your relatives has died or is very ill.
-“And after Mr. Shears had gone to work she made a telephone call to the office and took what is called Compassionate Leave, which is when someone in your family dies or is ill.

7. [tessellated]:
made of small flat pieces in various shapes and colours that fit together to form a pattern.
“And I wondered whether you could tessellate crosses, and I worked out that you could by imagining this picture in my head”

*새로운 책 : “[Outliers :The Story of Success.”] -Gladwell, Malcolm.
                 읽을 분량은  처음 ~Chapter 2까지입니다.

*[Discussion Questions]
1. Malcolm Gladwell is interested in what makes some people more successful than others. Overall, how would you describe his thesis, or central premise? Do you agree or disagree with his ideas?

2. What does Gladwell mean by the term "outlier"?

3. Malcolm Gladwell explains outliers as being the result of opportunity and cultural legacy.  Do you agree?  Are there other factors?

4. In chapter two, Gladwell proposes that after basic ability, time on task is what makes the difference.  Is there an example from your life that confirms this idea?  How does this relate to our jobs in education?


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