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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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  • 독서동호회
  • (오전반 3월 15일- Sense and Sensibility)

페이지 정보

  • 7sky (a7sky)
    1. 310
    2. 0
    3. 1
    4. 2013-03-09



3월 8일의 모임에서 등장인물에 대한 얘기와 제목이 시사하는 바를 간략하게 의견을 나누었습니다. 3월 15일에는 V1 ch22까지 읽어 와서 의견을 나누려고 합니다.

제가 Jane Austen for Beginners라는 사이트에서 소설을 이해를 돕는 어휘설명파일을 찾아서 첨부합니다.
참고하시기 바랍니다. 그리고 오디오 북도 같이 들으시면서 22장까지 읽으시면 될것같습니다.

그리고 토론주제  3,4,5에 대하여 이야기를 나누려고 합니다. 주로 Elinor와 Edward의 관계에 대하여 입니다. 그리고 이책의 주된 초점이기도 한 Sense and Sensibility와  그당시 결혼에 대해도 계속 정리를 하시면 좋습니다.

일시: 2013년 3월 15일 10시30분
장소: 에필로그 아이온 4층

1. Talk about the significance of Austens title. What is the difference in meaning between the words "sense" and "sensibility" ... and which sister represents which word? Which word most represents your own approach to life and love? Which matters more...or are they both equally important in chosing a mate?

2. If you havent already (in question #1), discuss the differences between the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne? Does Austen seem to favor one over the other?

3. Then, of course, theres Fanny Dashwood. How does she set about working on her husband after his fathers death? Later, why does she make it clear that her brother Edward is not for Elinor? What does this suggest about the role of marriage for the upper classes?

4. Are Edwards attentions to Elinor fair and honorable? Why isnt he more open with her? Where does his honor lie—or where should it lie—with Lucy or Elinor? Do you admire him? Is he overly passive, honorable, loyal...or what?

5. What is Mariannes objection to Colonel Brandon? At times, do you find yourself sympathetic to Willoughby despite his abandonment of Marianne? Does Austen plant clues to Willoughbys character early on?

6. Talk about the other characters, as well: Sir John Middleton and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Jennings; John Dashwood; Mrs. Ferrars; and Lucy Steele. How does Austen portray them? What about Lucy, for instance, makes her seem insincere, even when we first meet her?

7. Austen explores the function of marriage in Sense and Sensibility (actually, in most if not all of her novels). What social constraints are placed on choosing a mate and for what reasons? Do similar restraints exist today?

8. What gave a woman advantages in the marriage market in Austens time? What placed her at a disadvantage? Same for men: what made free choice in marriage difficult for them, as well?

9. In the end, does sense triumph over sensibility? Or do you think Austen is sympathetic to both perspectives? What does each sister come to learn from the other?

10. Do you find the ending satisfactory for both sisters? Do you feel the two make the right choice for happiness? Why or why not?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)


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