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- 어느별 (titta1997)
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- 2012-10-08
이번주도 The Help 계속합니다.
일시:10월12일 오전 10시 30분
장소: ION 4층 Prologue 서점 내 Epilogue 카페
도서: The Help by Kathryn Stochkett, chapter17까지 ( 제 책은 228p 까지 )
제겐 활자가 너무 작아 읽기 힘든 책입니다.
갑자기 할머니가 되어 가는 느낌에 서글프지만,
검은 것은 글자요 흰 것은 종이다...상황이 되기 전에
어여어여 부지런히 읽어나가야겠습니다. ^^;;;
제나님 추천하신 영화도 있고, 지난 번 MIDNIGHT IN PARIS에 등장도 했으니( 헤...작가가..),
고전으로 한 번.....
7sky님의 댓글
7sky (a7sky)
지난주에 제기된바와 같이 나눔 포인트를 적겠습니다. 책을 읽으시면서 살짝식 생각해주세요...
1. Who was your favorite character? Why?
2. What do you think motivated hilly? Do you think that one can be a good mother and, at the same time, a deeply flawed person? In the novel, Hilly is terribly cruel to Aibileen and her won help, as well as to Skeeter once she realizes that she can't control her. Yet she's a wonderful motehr.
7sky님의 댓글
7sky (a7sky)
3. How much of a person's character is shaped by the times in which he or she lives?
4. Did it bother you that Skeeter was willing to overlook so many of Stuart's faults so that she could get married, and that it wasn't until he literally got up and walked away that the engagement fell apart?
7sky님의 댓글
7sky (a7sky)
5. Do you believe that Minny was justified in her distrust of white people?
6. Do you think there are still vestiges of racism in relationships in which people of color work for people who are white?