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- 오전반 [2월 3일] 모임 공지 - 새 책 시작합니다 - 토론 주제 추가
페이지 정보
- 동그리 (dongry70)
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- 2012-01-28
새 책 시작합니다!
장소: As usual, TCC on 2F, Wisma Atria
일시: 2월 3일 오전 10시 15분
책: The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch, Chapter II 끝 (Page 54)까지 읽기.
저자 소개는 이번엔 제가 해 올께요.
줄거리 발표는.... 그냥 오는 사람 모두 자신이 한다는 맘으로 준비해 오심 좋겠네요. 무작위로 시킵니당! ㅎㅎㅎ
- 토론 주제 -
1. In the book’s introduction, Randy talks about the lecture as a means of expression, and a way to reach his kids: “If I were a painter, I would have painted for them. If I were a musician, I would have composed music. But I am a lecturer. So I lectured.” There are so many ways to communicate. What are your own avenues for self-expression?
2. What are some of your own childhood dreams? Have you achieved any of them? Are there some you’d revisit now that you’re an adult?
3. Randy names several people in his life who deeply infl uenced and shaped him. Who are the mentors you turn to in your own life? What have you learned from them?
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