- 41,190
- 한싱언어문화교류모임
- Notification of kexperience
페이지 정보
- ILKS (jayjung)
- 6,122
- 0
- 0
- 2020-07-05
This is the community site that starts in Singapore since
2016. Our members come from all the countries in the world and would like to
share all about Korea experiences in the world.
** Notification
We ask that you please follow these basic etiquette posting guidelines, including the following:
1. Each commercial postings are allowed one time per month until further notice.
2. Be respectful and civil to fellow members. Personal attacks are prohibited.
3. Please refrain from posting religious, political, sexist, ethnically or racially offensive, or obscene messages.
4. Spamming or flooding (excessive posts) of postings are not be allowed.
5. Members can find a Korean friend or holding a meet up at this group.
6. Members can share all about Korea experience in your country.
Messages or postings that do not meet these etiquette standards may be removed. Members who do not follow the posting guidelines may be removed from the Kexperience if there are frequent or flagrant violations without any notice in advance.
Thank you so much!
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