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  • 테니스동호회(CTCIS)
  • Greetings from a new guy

페이지 정보

  • Cyrus (cyrus)
    1. 306
    2. 0
    3. 5
    4. 2004-01-27


I have been browsing this Tennis club website for a month now, this is the first time I post a message in here. Just to enquire, besides Koreans and one Singaporean, are there any Singaporeans or other foreigners too? Usually your activity holds in the East side of Singapore? I want to learn Tennis too, but seem that all are professionals ^^ haha...so...no place to stand into. Just wonder...does this club allow someone who knows nothing about Tennis? I had learnt tennis before during my student years, but I failed to master this sport... not easy to wield the racket... and hit the ball over the net.

Im a Singaporean who has immense interest in Korea and Koreans, and of course the language, Im a regular in Singaporelove and just join Hankookchon not long ago, just one month over I think. Thank you Hankookchon administrator for letting me join this site. I really hope I can type this whole paragraphs in Korean, but as you know Im still not skilled in this language yet, I still cannot get use to the grammars and often make too many mistakes ^^ So if I write it in Korean, you will wonder what am I writing ^^;;;

Ben, just for verification, are you a Singaporean??? So lucky of you to have so many Korean friends, it must be very fun and exciting joining their activities. So how do you learn Korean?? Through the Korean friends in here?

Cyrus, Rak Yomin


실버님의 댓글

실버 (silverwell)

안녕하세요 ^ㅡ^
여기서두 뵙네여.
글구 아직 초보도 많고 요즘에 새로 들어온 분도 계세요.
배우러 함 오세여~~~
외국인 멤버두 있다는데 요즘 테니스 칠때는 못본듯하구요...
참, 벤님두 한국분이세염.

J님의 댓글

J (ruok69)

Cyrus! I'm J who is technical assistant of this Club.

I've questions as follow;
1. Do you want join us? Welcome! if you want.
2. What's your NTRP level? Click #69 text.
3. What do you mean 'a new guy'? You already post some text here I guess.
4. How old are you & Where are you living?

For your information,
Mr. BEN is pure Korean (we call him 'IRONMAN')
We have only one foreigner female member. (Super pretty Japanese)

Cyrus님의 댓글

Cyrus (cyrus)

답장을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다. 헉...밴님이 한국분이냐고요??? 아...미안합니다 ^^ 처음에 한국사람들이 서로 영어로 하니까 싱가폴 사람 아니면 외국사람이라고 생각하거든요... ^^ 아...근데 싱가폴 분이 없는데 아쉬워요....반가워요 ^^

tennis-chobo님의 댓글

tennis-chobo (benyeom)

Hi Cyrus ! Ecellent Korean there ! How long have you been learning Korean ??? I ought to be ashamed of myself because even though I'm a Korean, I hardly write anything in Korean :(
I came to Singapore in1981, when I was just eleven and since then, I've been educated in English only. Of course I can read, write and speak Korean but not as well and as comfortably as using English.

Anyway, where do you live ? We'll definitely welcome you if you want to join our club. Race, language or religion shouldn't be a barrier if you are really interested :)
Why don't you come down this Thursday and see for yourself ?

Hope to see you then.
Gong Xi Fa Cai !!!

Cyrus님의 댓글

Cyrus (cyrus)

Hi Mr Ben. Thank you for your reply. haha....you flattered. I learn Korean for almost a year now... can you believe I can speak Korean??? ^^;; Because I always write and seldom speak... well I pick up the language mostly from chatting, and my little precious electronic dictionary as my reference.

I work in the night shift in Starhub call centre, and everyday when I go back home, the first thing is to log on to msn to chat with my Korean friends, that is how I improve.

Wow you have been here for so long.... I bet you can speak mandarin, and some dialects too?

J nim, I'm new to this club's BBS, I had never posted any msg here before, in the past one month just an observer.

I'm 26 years old, and living in Bukit Batok, west area. I believe your activity is held in the East. Most of the Koreans live in the East, I guess.

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