- 244
- 엄마의카페
- 출산 병원 찿으시는 분들께 좋은 정보네요
페이지 정보
- 예비엄마 (littlepiggy)
- 783
- 0
- 3
- 2005-05-20
Parkway Healath group ( Glean eagles hosptial,Mt Elezabeth hospital, East shore hospital) 에서 Baby bonus packages 라는 걸 최근에 내놓은 것 같아요.
12주 부터의 의사를 만나는 가격에서 delivery까지 전부 포함된 가격이랍니다.
물론 스켄이나 그외의 테스트는 포함이 되진 않지만 제가 보기에는 괜챦은 package 같습니다.
대신 이미 이 병원에서 의사를 정하신 경우엔 해당의사가 이 팩키지를 참여하는 의사선생님인지 확인하셔야 된다네요. 잘 알아보고 하심 이 의료비 비싼 싱가폴에서 좀더 저렴하게 하실 수 있을 것 같아요.
퍼왔습니다. 아래 내용 참조하세요.
그리고 하나더, 혹 citibank 신용카드 있으시면 글레이글에서 또 특별 팩키지가 있네요. 혹 상기 팩키지가 해당이 안되시지만 카드를 갖고 계시면 참고해 보세요.
다른 병원으로는 Mt. Alvernia Hospital이 있습니다. 캐톨릭재단에서 운영하므로 다른 병원에 비해 저렴하고 좋은 서비스를 제공하더군요. Antenatal class도 젤루 저렴합니다. 아기 출생시 BCG 접종 그냥 해주구요 (싱글룸일때만) 신생아 목욕통도 준데요.*^^*
저두 담번엔 여기서 날랍니다...-.-;;
그외 한국분들이 많이 가시는 병원은 Thomson medical center가 있습니다.
가격은 Mt. Alvernia 보다 약간 더 비싼것 같구요, 산부인과 시설과 지원 프로그램이 잘 되있어 보입니다.
인터넷 보시면 병원에 대해 보실 수 있어욤.
그럼 즐퇴하시구요.
BABY BONUS PACKAGES (http://www.pgh.com.sg/baby_bonus.jsp)
With our Baby Bonus packages, parents-to-be can now opt for one of our attractive delivery packages and get a free Accident and Health Protection plan for your newborn.
Delivery Package
(2-Bedded Maternity Ward) Length of Stay Total Hospital &
Doctors Charges
East Shore Hospital
Normal Delivery & Assisted 2 Days S$2,457.00
Normal Delivery & Assisted with Epidural 2 Days S$3,062.00
LSCS Caesarean (Elective) (GA or Epidural) 3 Days S$4,536.00
Gleneagles Hospital
Normal Delivery & Assisted 2 Days S$2,730.00
Normal Delivery & Assisted with Epidural 2 Days S$3,307.50
LSCS Caesarean (Elective) (GA or Epidural) 3 Days S$4,830.00
Mount Elizabeth Hospital
Normal Delivery & Assisted 2 Days S$2,730.00
Normal Delivery & Assisted with Epidural 2 Days S$3,665.00
LSCS Caesarean (Elective) (GA or Epidural) 3 Days S$5,345.00
1. All prices listed are in Singapore currency, including 5% Goods & Services Tax (GST).
2. No extra charges for foreigners.
3. All packages include hospitalisation, doctors and anaesthetists fees; and exclude lodgers fees and overseas calls.
4. The packages fee applies only to two-bedded maternity rooms.
5. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
6. Other terms and conditions apply as follow:
Hospital Charges:
- Charges are derived from an analysis of the average bill size and study across the three Parkway hospitals based on our extensive experience
- Prices are tabulated based on procedures and items (derived from the average bill size) offered during the period of stay
Doctors & Anaesthetists Fees:
- Fees are set within guidelines of the Singapore Medical Association
- Includes fees for antenatal visits to the obstetrician from the 12th week to due term
- Additional scans, cardiotocography (CTG) and outpatient investigations ordered by specialists
- Complications or miscarriage arising from delivery or pregnancy
- Caesarean delivery (emergency)
- Additional medication for patients with medical history such as diabetes or hypertension
- Antenatal classes
- Triple tests/amniocentesis
- Stay in the intensive care unit for mothers or neonatal intensive care unit for baby; and hospitalisation for reasons other than delivery
- Histology (if any)
- Neonatal hearing test
Packages do not apply for:
- Post partum ligation (PPL)
- All other laboratory tests ordered by doctors for baby after delivery
- Phototherapy, blood transfusion, hepatitis set, antibiotics and any additional take home drugs (if required)
(Paediatricans can be arranged to see your baby at $180.00 for 3 visits.)
With modern facilities, intimate surroundings, highly qualified doctors and staff you can be assured that your delivery at our hospitals will be a wonderful and unforgettable experience.
FREE Accident and Health Protection for All Newborns at Parkway
Parkway Group Healthcare has joined hands with a leading insurance company to offer Gift of Love, a specially designed accident and health protection plan for newborn babies delivered at East Shore, Gleneagles or Mount Elizabeth Hospitals.
Under this plan, your child is entitled to six months complimentary coverage for 24-hour global protection and other great benefits, including:
- $20,000 accidental death benefit
- $40,000 double indemnity on public conveyance
- $1,500 accidental medical reimbursement
- $5,000 child critical illnesses benefit and others
- One-year complimentary Parkway Privilege Card membership
For more information on these privileges, please call our 24-Hour Medical Referral Centre (MRC) hotline at tel: (65) 6735 5000 (local toll free).
Rachel님의 댓글
Rachel (rachel0801)쪽지확인 부탁드립니다.*^^*
follifollie님의 댓글
follifollie (follifollie)
근데 제 경험인데요.. 팩키지 말로만 이렇지 막상 나중에 금액치룰때 많이 틀려져요. 참고로 Mt Elizabeth에서 출산했답니다.
parkway그룹이 병원비가 젤 비싸요..
follifollie님의 댓글
follifollie (follifollie)그나마 Mt. Alvernia Hospital 가 젤 저렴하답니다.