- 17,419
- 학부모카페
- 2013년 공립초등학교 외국인 입시요강
페이지 정보
- danielle (danielle)
- 517
- 0
- 0
- 2012-07-27
Phase 3: 8월 30일날 지원자를 받아서 만약 지원자 수가 Phase 3까지 남아있는 공석보다 많으면 8월 31일 제비뽑기를 합니다. 여기까지는 작년 요강하고 크게 다르지 않은데요.. 만약 Phase 3 추첨에서도 떨어지면 작년까지는 부모가 직접 자리가 남은 학교를 골라서 지원을 했는데.. 올 해부터는 정부에서 자리가 남은 학교 중 직접 임의로 정해주겠단 내용이 다르네요.. 추첨이 있은 후 한달 후에 정부에서 통보가 간다고 하니.. 참고하세요.
Registration at Primary School
Registration is conducted at the primary school that you wish your child to be admitted into. The hours of registration are from 8.00 am to 11.00 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm on each scheduled registration day. Parents or a person authorized by the parents in writing (letter of authorization (72kb .pdf)) is to submit the registration form and required documents at the school of choice.
Balloting will be conducted in Phase 3 if the number of applications exceeds the number of places available at the end of Phase 3 registration. Balloting will be conducted one day after phase 3 registration.
With effect from the 2012 Primary One Registration Exercise, for non Singapore Citizen / Singapore Permanent Resident children who have not been able to obtain a place at their school of choice after the Phase 3 balloting, MOE will post the child to a suitable primary school with vacancy. The posting outcome will be released to the parent a month after the balloting. MOE posting is final and no appeals will be entertained. Schools will also not entertain any walk-in applications.
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