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  • 16,245
  • 학부모카페
  • 국공립방학 중 캠프

페이지 정보

  • two ()
    1. 795
    2. 0
    3. 5
    4. 2008-04-28


방학때...보낼 캠프 어디가 좋을까요?
적극 추천 부탁드려요


아름다운사람들님의 댓글

아름다운사람들 ()

싱가폴은 공립학교 입학준비 또는 재학생이 공부하는 곳으론 좋지만 어학연수,캠프는 적합하지 않다고 생각합니다.
혹시,싱가폴에 살고 계신다면 몰라도...

two님의 댓글

two ()

살고있는뎅..^^ 방학때 보낼려구요

happy mom님의 댓글

happy mom (khylmh506)

제가 작은 까페를운영하는데 캠프 문의가 많아서 찾다보니 한군데 발견했었거든요.

짤막짤막한 캠프도 잇고 국제학교 캠프도 있고 그래요.
사진이 첨부 안되니까 그냥 복사해서 올릴께요.

6841 5663 / 6841 1952 (X- Ordinary Gifts & Services)
More Information
A new, non-toxic clay from Korea, Angel Clay has revolutionised the very 'concept' of clay with its unique characteristics and properties.
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9273 4991 (Isabelle Desjeux)
<a href=mailto:isadora.workshop@mac.com>isadora.workshop@mac.com</a>
More Information
Classes offered include drawing, printmaking, papier mach? book-making, arts and crafts
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9619 7945 (Caroline Cornelius - Jones)
<a href=mailto:party@kidsfantasyparties.com>party@kidsfantasyparties.com</a>
More Information
Activities include crazy games and a splashing good time in the pool too!
More information

9815 2711 (Isabella)
Kooky Art's decorating art classes and workshops.

6467 6210
Spartacus offers a variety of Camp Themes to give your children 'FUN' throughout the holiday.
More information

98160698 (Katherine)
<a href=mailto:inthegroove@pacific.net.sg>inthegroove@pacific.net.sg</a>
More information
Summer camp program for children between 4 and 12 years.
Five one week sessions.
Includes drama, hand drumming, story telling, drawing, panting, moving and shaking.

6468 1103

9876 7817
More information
<a href=mailto:over@sportyjoe.com>over@sportyjoe.com</a>
Childrens' fitness programs run by local and international coaching staff.
Includes gymnastics for all levels, fitness for kids, swimming and fun activities for birthday parties, soccer, basketball, floor hockey, obstacle courses and circuit training.
Open to all children between 4 and 12 years.

More information
Programmes for children from 18 months to 7 years.

6467 1732 / 6875 1519
More information
<a href=mailto:admissions@cis.edu.sg>admissions@cis.edu.sg</a>
A range of Development and Discovery programs for children between 3 and 18 years.
These include Language (English, French and Mandarin), Science, Art, Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Sports.

6735 9986
More information
5 day workshops developing a show, followed by performing on stage.
For different age groups.

6513 3525 / 9694 2645
The Junior Producers Club is run by a group of award-winning producers and offers children interactive workshops and camps in TV production, presentation, acting and editing.
More information

SuperCamp Brochure link:
SuperCamp Brochure - <a href=http://www.qln.com/downloads/supercamp.pdf target=_blank>http://www.qln.com/downloads/supercamp.pdf</a> 3MB pdf file

HK님의 댓글

HK (felix617)

제가 찾던 정보였어요... 감사~ :)

노랑국화님의 댓글

노랑국화 (vlfgud1123)

좋은 정보감사합니다.

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