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싱가포르 최대의 한인정보 사이트! 우리 따뜻한 한인사회를 만들어 봐요!



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또 다른 property tax hike이군요...

기사를 보면 workers party member란 사람의 언급이 wealth tax

즉 부유세라는 군요..

여하간 외국인들이 점점 싱가폴에서 점점 줄어들 건 분명하군요.

이번 조치로 특히 high - end market은 완전히 cool-down정도가 아니라, freezed 되는 현상이 현실화 될 것 같습니다 .... 참고들 하시길

Singapore to Raise Property Tax Rates for Luxury Homeowners By Pooja Thakur & Sharon Chen - Feb 26, 2013 9:59 AM GMT+0800 Facebook Share LinkedIn Google +1 2 COMMENTS Print QUEUE Q

Singapore plans to raise property levies for luxury homeowners as it seeks to tax wealthy residents in the island-state after the government imposed more measures to curb property speculation last month.

The higher tax will apply to the top 1 percent of homeowners who live in their own residences, or 12,000 properties, Singapore Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said in his budget speech yesterday, without giving a definition of what constitutes a high-end home.

The government will also raise tax rates for vacant investment properties or those that are rented out, he said. Enlarge image Yachts at ONE°15 Marina Club at Sentosa Cove during the Singapore Yacht Show 2011 are anchored against the backdrop of luxury condominiums in Singapore on April 10, 2011. Photographer: Munshi Ahmed/Bloomberg Enlarge image CapitaLand Ltd.s The Orchard Residences, center, stands in Singapore.

For a condominium occupied by the owner in Singapore’s central region with an assessed annual rental value of S$70,000 ($56,547), the tax will rise 5 percent to S$2,780, according to the budget statement. Photographer: Munshi Ahmed/Bloomberg Sponsored Links Buy a link The higher taxes come after Singapore last month increased a stamp duty on homebuyers and imposed curbs on industrial properties as it extended measures it started introducing in 2009 to cool property speculation.

Residential prices climbed to a record in the fourth quarter amid low interests and as an increase in the number of millionaires drove up demand. “Owning high-end real estate here for investment is becoming less of an attractive proposition,” said Alan Cheong, senior director of research and consultancy at broker Savills (Singapore) Pte. “This may affect high-end properties owned by foreigners, who do not have a place of residence in Singapore.

This will encourage more to take their capital overseas.” The property index tracking 39 developers fell 0.8 percent to a one-month low as of 9:29 a.m. in Singapore trading. CapitaLand Ltd. (CAPL), Singapore’s biggest developer by assets, declined 1 percent to S$3.88. City Developments Ltd. (CIT), the second largest, slid 0.4 percent to S$11.30. Hong Kong Singapore’s latest efforts were announced three days after Hong Kong increased property taxes.

The Hong Kong government last week doubled sales taxes on property costing more than HK$2 million ($258,000) and targeted commercial real estate for the first time as bubble risks spread in the world’s most expensive place to buy an apartment. “The property tax is a wealth tax and is applied irrespective of whether lived in, vacant or rented out,” Shanmugaratnam said. “Those who live in the most expensive homes should pay more property tax than others.” For a condominium occupied by the owner in Singapore’s central region with an assessed annual rental value of S$70,000 ($56,547), the tax will rise 5 percent to S$2,780, according to the budget statement. If that home is rented out, the tax will climb 21 percent to S$8,500, according to an example highlighted in the statement.

Based on a 3 percent rental yield, that property is worth S$2.3 million ($1.9 million). Gains in levies for properties assessed at higher rental values will also increase at a faster pace, it said. For a house with an assessed rental value of S$150,000, worth S$5 million based on the same yield assumption, the tax will rise 60 percent to S$24,000. The revised taxes will take full effect from January 2015, according to the statement. ‘Wealth Tax’ “It is a wealth tax,” Yee Jenn Jong, a non-elected member of parliament from the opposition Workers’ Party, told reporters. “There’s been a lot of people that have made a lot of money through property and the government is using that as a way to get additional revenue to offset certain goodies they’re giving to those in the lower income.” The Singapore government last month introduced curbs where home buyers have to pay 5 percentage points to 7 percentage points more in stamp duties. Among other measures, it also imposed the added levies for permanent residents when they buy their first home, while Singaporeans will have to pay the tax starting with their second purchase.

Foreign Labor In the budget, Singapore also tightened curbs on foreign labor for a fourth consecutive year, as the government seeks to reduce companies’ reliance on overseas workers amid a public backlash over the influx. Increasing wealth in the island-state has contributed to rising property prices.

Singapore’s millionaire households rose by 14 percent in 2011, according to a Boston Consulting study. The proportion of millionaire homes in the city of 5.3 million people was 17 percent, the highest in the world, followed by Qatar and Kuwait. “From a progressive tax view point, it’s to be expected and probably quite fair,” said Tan Su Shan, managing director of wealth management at DBS Group Holdings Ltd., who’s also a nominated member of Parliament. “From a developers’ point of view, it’s yet another pill to swallow.

” To contact the reporters on this story: Pooja Thakur in Singapore at; Sharon Chen in Singapore at


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기타안녕하세요 곧 입싱 예정

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holdon7(holdon7) 2019-02-05
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  안녕하세요  곧 입싱할 예정인 30대 남자입니다. 숙소를 알아보는 중인데  지리가 어색해서 그런지 찾는게 영 어렵네요 혼자 지내거나(studio) 최소 ensuit 정도는 쓰고싶은데 콘도로 찾고 있는데 대략 1000-1500 사이 정도면 혼자 생 활하는 콘도…

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    현재 계획중인 예산으로는 마스터룸을 혼자 쓰시는 것은 가능할 것 같은데 홀렌트는 아마 어렵지 않을까 싶네요. 출퇴근시간은 인터넷으로 알아보는 것과 오셔서 직접 회사까지 다녀보시는 것과는 정말 많은 차이가 나니 일단 싱가폴 들어오셔서 단기숙소 하나 잡아두고 차분히 알아보세요.    집은 본인의 사인이 들어간 계약서를 작성해야 하는 것이라 절대 서둘러서 진행하지 마시길. 순간의 선택이 최소 1 -2 년 이상을 좌우하게 됩니다.  싱가폴에서 10년 넘게 살아오면서 이사만 10번 이상 다닌 저도 집구할 때 최소 2달 이상을 보러 다니고 체크를 할 정도로 집 문제는 신중을 기하셔야 해요. 입싱을 축하드립니다.      

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